Chapter Twenty Eight

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Thank you SO MUCH to RachelBaker976 , ReneSolomon , Jessie160802 , @BaileySaville4 and @cherryshop for your comments on chapter twenty seven!
You guys are truly what keeps me motivated to keep the chapters coming because it means so much to know you're enjoying the story and I love hearing your thoughts 😍😊😃🤗😍

My head rested on my favourite pillow, Blayze's shoulder.
Warm skin against warm skin, we were laying the same way we had been at bed time for nearly an entire week, stark naked and our limbs tangled together, our heart rates gradually slowing down.
Blayze ran his fingers through the strands of hair that fell across my face and I found myself, as I often did, drawing patterns across his chest with the tips of my fingers.
"I don't have to go."
He suddenly stated, his voice breaking into the comfortable silence that surrounded us.
I frowned and propped myself up onto my elbow, so I could get a look at his face.
"You do have to."
Although it made my heart squeeze and my throat thick, I knew we had no choice.
Uncle Lukas, Alex, Jake and Heath would need Blayze's help on the Muster.
The Three Day Muster.
I remembered the same Muster from two years ago.
I'd been pregnant and not known it.
It was the first time I'd come off Phoenix.
Blayze and I had been fighting our feelings for each other.
Blayze shook his head.
"I won't leave you here three days and two nights, with three Babies."
His intentions were sweet.
But the Farm needed this Muster and the Sale that would come from it, otherwise we'd go under.
I smirked, toying with him, trying not to think about the bad stuff.
"Five Babies."
He looked at me in complete bewilderment.
"Well there's Knox of course, but Noah will be here."
I explained, placing my right hand onto his chest, then propping my chin on top of my hand, still managing to maintain eye contact with him.
"But I spoke with Peyton. Because Heath really needs to go too, She and Tatum will be all alone, so I suggested they come join us up here for a couple of nights."
The tenderness in his beautiful blue-green eyes was evidence that he was proud of me.
But suddenly his eyes had an amused sparkle to them and a smile twitched at his lips.
"So while we're off workin' our arse's off, you Girl's are gonna have a slumber party weekend are ya?"
He asked, raising a questioning eyebrow.
I couldn't help but laugh, rolling my eyes.
"Hardly! We're gonna have a Toddler and three Babies to watch remember?"
Blayze shook his head.
"I bet you're gonna get Kylie to Babysit and you Girl's are gonna have an epic weekend!"
I pretended to agree with him, nodding my head.
"You caught me."
His torso shook lightly as he laughed.
"I'm sure You'll have the more fun weekend."
I informed him.
"You'll be Riding, Mustering and Camping. I'll be watching Luka, Brodie and Dale, Azlan and Zuke twenty four seven!"
Our beloved Fur Babies came home yesterday!
Blayze pursed his lips, a slight frown marring his brow.
"Yet another reason I shouldn't be leaving. Those Dog's aren't back to normal yet."
I gave his chest a gentle smack.
"They'll be fine to sleep on their bed and be doted on."
I promised.
His expression was now clearly one of deliberation.
"You need to do this Babe, and you know it."
I reasoned.
He grimaced, knowing I was telling the truth.
I stretched up to lightly kiss his lips and he wrapped his arms around me, hugging me tightly, yet gently.

Because Uncle Lukas, Blayze and Heath all had Kid's (or Babies) they'd be leaving behind for a few days, Grandpa had decided the Muster would move out at 9AM, giving the guys a chance to have breakfast with their Kid's.
Cattle number's were down across all properties, so leaving an hour later than usual wouldn't end up causing too much trouble.
Or at least, it shouldn't.
Looking at Luka, Brodie and Dale, it was pretty clear not a single one of them had any idea what was coming.
Then again, Brodie and Dale were two months old, so we weren't really expecting that much of an uproar from them.
Luka, at 16 months, would notice his Daddy's absence.
Especially because Blayze has been making an effort to be home of a night time, to help with getting the Boy's ready for bed and to bed.
Blayze and Luka sat on the couch, Brodie propped securely in one of Blayze's arms, while Luka had one of his rare 'holds' of Dale.
Dale lay sprawled across Luka's legs, some of his body supported by a pillow we'd strategically placed alongside Luka.
Our eldest son grinned wide, stoked he too was able to 'hold' one of his Brother's.
"Hungry yet?"
Blayze asked Luka, raising a questioning eyebrow.
Luka quickly shook his head.
It was like he knew that if he said 'yes' then his 'hold' of Dale would be over.
"Well isn't that just the cutest thing ever!"
We all looked towards the stairs to find Noah coming down, holding Knox in her arms.
Luka greeted her, lifting his right hand and waving.
"Hello handsome!"
Noah answered him, smiling widely, coming down the last few steps.
"I heard that!"
We heard Codie's slightly muffled voice come from somewhere upstairs.
Noah said sarcastically.
Laughing, I turned on my heel to head to the kitchen, knowing Blayze could handle Luka and the twins.
And I had to get Blayze and Luka some breakfast and organise a few Baby bottles.

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