Chapter Fifty Nine

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Sooooo sorry for the wait guys!
It's FINALLY here!
Thank you so much May_LH , RachelBaker976 and Jessie160802 for your comments on Chapter Fifty Eight 😃😍

The insistent ring of Blayze's alarm had both of us groaning.
I sluggishly put my hands to my face and rubbed at my eyes.
Blayze swore under his breath and the noise finally ended.
I blinked against the darkness of our bedroom, trying to gather my bearings.
It's wake up time already?
Well, probably Blayze's wake up time.
But maybe mine too!
The Wedding is tomorrow.
There's so much to do!
There was a dull clunk as Blayze dropped what was presumably his phone back onto the bedside table and then I was rocked around on the mattress as he turned around.
My heavy eyes fought to close.
I want more sleep.
Guess I'm getting my goodbye kiss before he gets up and heads out to work.
Blayze slipped an arm under my neck and I nearly jumped out of my skin!
"What's wrong with you?"
He whispered, his other arm sliding over my waist and both arms pulling my back into his chest.
I muttered, trying to make my lips and tongue work properly.
He answered.
"But you're kicking me out tonight, so I want to snuggle."
I'd never bothered to tell a single soul that Blayze Riley snuggles, because I knew there was not one person alive that would believe me.
Smiling to myself despite my low key burning eyes, I turned around in my Fiancé's arms, wrapped my left arm around his back and buried my face into his naked, toned, warm chest.
"I'm not kicking you out."
I protested.
"I just don't want to jinx our chances of a long and happy marriage!"
"I know, I know."
I could practically hear Blayze rolling his eyes.
He kissed the top of my head and I couldn't help but smile.


I felt like I'd never get organised!
My Baby Girl's Wedding Day was Tomorrow.
We still had to get:
- The lighting set up
- The aisle lined
- Seating set for the elderly who were attending (everybody else would just be standing for the Ceremony)
- The stage set up for the bands (luckily Jax's boys would be onto that one when they eventually arrived - you wouldn't really expect band guys up before noon, I'd learned!)
- The potted plants aligned
- Horses washed
- Tables set up in the homestead where we'd be having the Reception
- Floodlighting for the Reception area
- Seating for the Reception area (though for that, we were going rustic and using hay bales covered with sheets)
I'd have to consult my official list, because I was positive I was forgetting more.
"Well don't you look like a Chook who's had her head chopped off!"
Lukas teased as he walked up to me, all easygoing smiles and a loose limbed stroll.
"No teasing Lukas!"
I scolded.
"There's way too much to do around here!"
My Brother held his hands up, palms forward like he was holding off an attack.
"Take a chill pill! We'll get 'er done. We did for Bridey and I and we did for You."
I know we had.
But this was different.
"This is Bailey, Luk."
I whispered, my throat rapidly tightening.
Lukas smiled.
"Yeah I know..."
He stepped forward and pulled me into the type of comforting hug I'd never felt from anybody besides my Little Bro.
It was a long time since Lukas had been my Little Brother in any way other than age.
I love my Dad's hug's.
I love my Mum's hug's.
I adore my Kids' hug's.
I love Jax's hug's.
But there's been something different and special about Lukas' hug's for a long time.
"I've got Heath, Alex and Jake on this."
Lukas informed me.
"And there's Me and Jax and I'm pretty sure he's said he'll get his Band onto it too, around them setting up for their music. Sam's donated his lad's to take care of checkin' over and feeding the stock. We'll get this organised, no matter what it takes."
I closed my eyes and breathed in deeply.
I needed to try and chill.
But that was easier said than done.
It was my Baby Girl's Wedding.
I wanted it to be everything she wanted and more.

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