Chapter Forty

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Thank you so much @Giggles_s for your comment on Chapter Thirty Nine 😍😍😍 means so much to hear from my reader's! 🤗🤗🤗

I rubbed my hands over my tired eyes as I made my way outside, into the bright early April daylight.
Today marked day three of Blayze being out cold, with nothing but Hospital machinery giving Him life.
Yesterday Mum brought Luka, Brodie and Dale out here to see Me, because apparently Luka was growing more and more emotionally unsettled.
I could hardly blame the poor little bloke.
He was nearly a year and a half old, so He was used to His life where His routine was the same, including seeing the same People.
He loves My Mum and Grandma, but He's even more attached to Blayze and I.
I checked my phone screen on my way out of the Hospital building, the device only having battery life because yesterday Noah brought my charger in when She came to visit.
Tuesday 4th April.
With a grimace, I realised Brodie and Dale were three months old today.
The Twin's were three months old and Blayze and I weren't home to celebrate with them.
I pocketed my phone again and turned to follow the paved path along the side of the Hospital building, aiming for the grassy area where I knew Mum would meet Me with my Babies.
Toddler's and Babies weren't a good idea in ICU, so we agreed to keep the meetings outside, where my Boy's could make as much noise and chaos as they pleased.
Well, Luka was the chaos making one at the moment, though I didn't doubt that somewhere within the next six to twelve months Brodie and Dale would be chasing after Him.
A familiar spread of figures adorning a red and white checkered picnic blanket caught my eye.
It appeared Grandma had tagged along to give Mum a hand with my rug rats today.
Mum's voice floated to Me on the gentle autumn breeze.
My Toddler Son turned to face His Grandma.
Mum pointed in a direction behind Luka.
She pointed at Me, but because Luka had his back to Me, He couldn't see Me.
"Who's that?"
Mum wondered.
Luka turned around, his blue gaze searching for what His Grandma wanted to show Him.
His eyes lit up as though somebody had flicked on a light switch within them and a huge, cheeky grin filled his handsome little face.
My Toddler screamed, before charging forward in as fast a run that his Learners legs could allow.
In the last few days I'd found it difficult to smile, but time with my Son's always made me grin, even though most of Me at the moment felt like my world was collapsing around Me.
As Luka ran at Me, I couldn't help but grin even though a torrent of warm tear's dotted my vision.
"Hey my Baby!"
I greeted, my voice just slightly croaky with emotion as I leaned down and scooped Luka up off the floor.
Hugging my eldest Son to my chest, my heart pounded almost painfully.
"Hello my Baby."
Blinking my tear dotted eyes, I lifted my chin from Luka's shoulder as Mum closed in on us.
There were a lot of things that I adored and envied about my Mother.
It takes a lot for Kylie Harley to break down, especially in front of her Children.
Right now, her schooled, brave face was probably even more for Luka, Brodie and Dale than for Me.
But I saw the apprehension and sadness in her beautiful green eyes before She wrapped her arms around both Luka and I.
Jax and Noah had told Mum about Loralai and Madison's outrage on Me.
Yesterday Mum had tried to get Me to come Home, get some space from everything.
As much as if I never had to see either Loralai or Madison again, it wouldn't bother Me in the slightest, there was no way I could abandon Blayze.
At least not until He'd woken up and we could talk about my returning Home to care for the Kid's and coming back to visit.
Mum's protectiveness over Me had her wanting to argue, but She was well aware how stubborn I was.
Since Sunday afternoon I'd only seen the back's of Loralai and Madison as they'd left the ICU Ward anyway, so it really was neither nor there.
"Hey Mamma."
I whispered.
By the time Blayze and I found ourselves out of this mess, we'd owe Mum massively.
She was watching Luka, Brodie and Dale around the clock since late Saturday night, as well as wrangling Izac, Jace, Hazel and Lily.
We'd owe Mum a weekend away!

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