Chapfer Forty Four

665 31 15

Pic above is Zeus ^

"You need to get your butt's to Adelaide and find yourselves some Wedding Ring's!"
Mum insisted.
The ring's were another thing that we were yet to tick off the list.
But a drive to Adelaide took around five hours.
It would become even more of a hellish task than finding ring's we liked if we had to take Luka, Brodie and Dale along with us.
There was no way any of them would find ring shopping exciting.
I wasn't sure that I was going to.
"You realise your Wedding is in less than six week's?"
Mum pressed, apprehension leaking into both her voice and her expression.
My stomach seemed to roll.
Was She trying to freak Me out?
"I'm trying to get thing's done."
I squeaked, wrapping my hands around my slightly warm coffee mug.
Mum looked down to the notebook She had in front of her, on the high shelf of my kitchen bench.
"Well at the moment, the only thing you've got ticked off is the Date, Pastor Michaelson's attendance, the Location and your Bridal Party."
"Well that's good, right?"
At least we knew where we'd be having this party.
And that the Pasfor was available and willing to attend.
Mum braced her elbows on top of the bench and her notebook and buried her face into her hands, letting loose with a frustrated sound that seemed to be a mixture between a scream and a groan.
My heart began to gallop inside my chest.
After a few, agonisingly long moments my Mother finally lifted her face out of her hands.
"Do you know where your Marriage Application is? Because in the next week you'll need to lodge it for you guys to even be allowed to be legally married."
Mum said, her voice strained.
I'd forgotten all about that.
"I'll find it."
I promised.
Mum grimaced.
"I know where it is!"
I assured her.
Truthfully, I hoped I knew where it was.
Surely I'd kept it with the rest of the 'Wedding' stuff, on a shelf in our wardrobe, safely out of reach of Toddler hands and Dog jaw's, right?
Mum straightened up.
"I have to kick the Boy's into gear for choosing their suits and I guess find out if Noah, Hayley and Peyton are any closer to deciding on dresses."
"We are!"
We both looked towards the lounge room at the sound of Noah's voice.
She skipped down the last of the stairs, a smile on her face.
"You are?"
The question came from both Mum and I.
Noah began to tap on her phone screen and manoeuvred her way around the lounge room furniture as She approached the kitchen.
I frowned.
"Why didn't I know about this?"
"Because we were trying to narrow down the list."
Noah explained.
"We've found an option for you too, Kylie. If you're interested."
"I wasn't aware the colour scheme was going to be diverse, but I'm all ear's."
Mum replied, her slight frown one of curiosity.
"I told the Girl's from the start that I want a bit of a burst of colour."
I explained, shooting Mum a glance.
She nodded.
Noah handed Me her mobile phone.
Curious and albeit a little nervous, I took the phone and checked the screen.
An instant smile tugged at my lips.

Following the blue and the orange, was a green and a purple and then a pink and a yellow

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Following the blue and the orange, was a green and a purple and then a pink and a yellow.
"They're pretty awesome!"
I declared, lifting my gaze to meet Noah's.
"You think?"
My friend bounced on her toes, like She'd been trying hard to contain her excitement until She received my verdict.
I nodded vigorously.
"I think they're brilliant!"
"Oh c'mon!"
Mum exclaimed.
"Let Me see!"
"You get first dib's of course, being Maid Of Honour."
Noah explained, linking her hands together as I handed Mum her phone.
"Or... you can always choose something different..."
"Oh wow!"
Mum whispered, her eyes widening as She stared at the phone screen.
"Oh I love the green!"
Noah's grin was practically six feet wide.
"Coz I want the blue!"
She giggled.
"What about Aunty Bridey, Hayley, Kristen and Peyton?"
I asked, leaning my hip against the kitchen bench.
"Hayley loved the orange and Peyton was partial to the purple, but said She could handle the green."
Noah explained.
"Bridey loves the pink but said she could go the yellow. And Kristen loves the yellow!"
I blinked.
Was it actually going to work out so easily?
"You mean... we've got a decision made?"
Mum sounded incredulous.
Noah and I both turned to face her.
Slowly, I felt my smile growing into a grin.
Noah squealed, bouncing on her toes and clapped quickly.
"Let's get these ordered!"
Mum reached for her own phone.
She muttered, her gaze focused on the screen as She rapidly tapped away.
Another decision made.
So long as we could actually get the dresses.
The tension around my heart seemed to ease a little.
But I wasn't getting my hopes up just yet.
Mum placed her mobile phone against her ear and waited as the call connected.

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