Chapter Forty Eight

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Thank you SO MUCH to Ashleighmitch18 @JessiLynnWilliams, RachelBaker976 , @Giggles_s and Jessie160802 for your wonderful words 😍😍😍 you guys keep me feeling inspired 💚💙💜
Jessie160802 spoiler alert, let's see if this chapter helps to cover your Blayze and Bailey itch 😍

I don't know exactly what it is that I love so much about this one, but I DO!

The last time I'd been to Adelaide, I was sixteen.
Outside the Ford550, the world was bleak and grey, with rain pelting down.
The windscreen wiper's on the Ute were going nut's, trying to keep the window clear enough for Blayze to see the road ahead.
I'd seemingly blinked and the open road had somehow given way to huge building's and bumper to bumper traffic that a backwater's Riverston born and raised Girl like myself was not used to.
Possibly the hundredth expletive escaped Blayze's mouth and I found myself not for the first time thankful that Luka wasn't sitting in the back seat.
All three of my precious Babies were at Home being spoiled by my Mum, Grandparent's and Sibling's.
Blayze and I were staying in a Hotel called Intercontinental Adelaide tonight.
Tomorrow we were on a mission to find our Wedding Ring's.
I was pitched forward in my seat suddenly, the seat belt digging mercilessly into my neck.
"Fucking wanker!"
Blayze cursed.
I settled back into my seat, giving my neck a rub.
"I swear the next brainless fuck head who think's it's smart to cut me off is gonna get the arse end of their shit box car buckled in by my fucking bull bar!"
Blayze growled, glaring out the window at the City traffic.
"You paid the last Insurance renewal right?"
I asked, shifting in the passenger seat, my derriere stiff from over five hour's of driving.
"Of course."
He agreed, shooting me a glance.
"Then hit them if it's not gonna fuck up the Ute."
I grumbled.
He might be the one driving, but I was just as over it.
The closer to Adelaide that we'd gotten, the worse the traffic had become.
Now that we were literally in the City, the traffic was bumper to bumper and some driver's were either impatiently trying to cut off to another road, or other's were attempting to jump out of a side street and join the line up of banked up car's.
"Why the fuck are we doing this, again?"
Blayze wondered, managing to let the Ute crawl maybe one small car length forward.
I rolled my eyes.
"You know why we had to come here."
We were just over two week's out from our Wedding day and didn't yet have our ring's!
The car in front of us's brake lights flashed, like the driver had attempted to move forward but realized they couldn't and stomped on the brake.
"We're finding a bar when we finally reach this god damn Hotel, right?"
Blayze asked, one hand gripping the steering wheel and the other firmly holding the gear stick.
He could drown out his irritation with Bourbon if he wanted, but what I wanted to do was soak in a long, hot bath.
And maybe call Home and let them know we'd arrived.
I sighed, lifting my sock covered feet to prop them against the dashboard (I'd ditched my boots maybe two hours ago).
"If that's what float's your boat."
I replied.

Car horn's blared far more often than I was used to.
In our neck of the wood's, a car horn only rooted if the driver was attempting to grab the attention of somebody, or if there was a severe lapse in judgement on the road then somebody might lean on their horn.
Normally somebody like Blayze would just lean out of their window and yell at the person about what a fuck-wit they were.
The rain pelted off car's, the dark grey bitumen road and the paved sidewalk's.
City folk darted across pedestrian crossing's, some holding a briefcase and smart enough to have an umbrella with them, other's holding up their jacket or their hands like such a gesture would protect them from the pounding drop's of insistent water.
I leaned forward in my seat, straining against my seat belt to check that my travel tired eyes weren't playing trick's on me.
Intercontinental Adelaide.
"It's just up there!"
I exclaimed, pointing to the left side of the road.
"Thank fuck!"
Blayze replied.
He checked his mirror's, then partially twisted around to look over his shoulder.
"There's car's backed up a mile lonnnnnnng!"
I groaned.
We had to get over into the next lane in order to make the turn into the Hotel's parking and there wasn't a single break in the line up of car's in front of us, alongside us, or behind us.
"Well these people haven't met me."
Blayze muttered.
The lights up ahead turned from red, to green.
The traffic in front of us began to move!
Car's alongside us began to creep forward.
Blayze waited until there was a couple of car lengths worth of a gap in front of us in our lane, car's from behind us tooting their irritation, then he dropped back a gear and hit the gas.
It didn't take a genius to work out what he planned to do.
I didn't want to look.
It was like he was riding one of his Horses the way he used our vehicle's size to intimidate the mostly smaller city car driver's into moving out of our way.
They didn't really have many option's on where they could go, but many driver's to our left slammed on their brakes.
Several driver's in the street leaned on their horns to honk their fury.
But we made it across, with the turbo kicking in and Blayze turned the Ute to bounce into the Hotel's parking driveway.
Actually, with the bouncing entrance, I was quite positive he used the curb and part of the garden bed as his own entrance.

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