Chapter Sixty Nine

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Why Parent's felt the need to send their sick Children to School, was beyond me.
Well, a week ago I would have screamed that declaration from the Riverston Town Hall's rooftop.
On Friday Blayze got a call from the Riverston Primary School to request somebody pick Enzo up, because he'd vomited all over the floor in the classroom and into a bucket when he got to the Sick Bay in the Front Office.
The poor Kid wound up sitting on our couch with a blanket and a bucket and was sick just about every two hour's on the hour, for the next twelve.
The hope that he'd possibly just eaten something his belly wasn't too happy about, flew out the window when roughly an hour after poor Enzo's second chuck at home, his Sister spewed all across the hallway floor before she could make it to the toilet.
Of course Zuke and Bandit took it upon themselves to start the cleaning up process before either Noah or I could get the mop and bucket to it.
By breakfast time the next morning, Enzo wasn't vomiting anymore, but I refused to let him eat anything other than toast with vegemite and no butter, drink water and sip on Zuper Dooper's.
Come dinner time, Emersyn's tummy seemed to have settled too and we were all hoping the bug was past us, until Luka lost the content's of his stomach across his high chair tray and the dining room floor!
When I finally managed what seemed like thirty second's of sleep some time in the middle of that night, Blayze and I were awoken by Brodie crying and Dale bawling.
We weren't sure which of the Twin's vomited in the cot, spraying both himself and his Brother plus the bedding, but Dale chundered down Blayze's arm and the bathroom floor while I was running the bath.
To say that we'd had a nauseatingly disgusting weekend would be a ludicrous understatement!
If it wasn't for Blayze, Noah and Codie's help over the last few day's...
Well, I dreaded thinking of any alternative.
I fumbled blindly for the button's to flush the toilet, refusing to open my eyes yet.
Once it flushed, I peeled my sand paper style eyes open and walked to the sink, my knee's feeling a little wobbly.
Looking into the mirror, I couldn't help but cringe.
My eyes didn't just have bag's, but an entire bloody luggage rack!
My hair was a dirty blonde mop on top of my head, in something that was once I guess supposed to be a top knot, that was desperately in need of a thorough scrub with shampoo and conditioner.
My lips were pale pink and in desperate need of moisture.
I cranked the water on and gave my face a quick wash.
I'd have to shower when the Babies went down for a nap.
Thankfully Mini Blayze, Enzo and Emersyn were all back at School today!
I wiped my face and hand's off on a towel and stepped out of the bathroom, only to bump almost literally into Noah!
Squealing like a mouse that had been caught in a trap, I stepped backward's.
Blue eyes sparkling, Noah held something out toward's me.
Wearily eyeing her offering, I frowned.
Her 'something' was actually three item's.
She held three small boxes, all with the white background and the Clearblue logo.
"Ummm... did you forget that you already took the test?"
I asked, dragging my gaze from the home pregnancy test's, up to her face.
She rolled her eyes.
"I'm already aware that I'm preggaz again."
She agreed.
"It's your turn!"
She whisper insisted, all but thrusting the boxes into my chest.
I hissed, swatting at her hand.
Noah's answering smirk was all too smug.
Why did I inform her the other day that my boob's had been tender?
Scowling, I wrapped my arm's around my rib's.
"We're using birth control."
I reminded her.
Giving a totally unladylike snort, Noah shrugged.
"You're preaching to the choir, Sister."
"I'm not pregnant!"
I hissed.
"My guess is that the Kid's shared their gross bug."
I grimaced.
"Then pee on the stick's and prove me wrong."
Noah answered.
"I don't have to prove anything!"
I retorted.
"Eighty percent of this household was vomiting over some part of this weekend!"
Noah placed her hand's on her hip's, expression stubborn.
"Then humour me, 'cause there's definitely something in the water again 'round here. Me, your Mum, Hayley..."
"I'm already way ahead of you guy's."
I rolled my eyes.
"Well, except Mum."
I amended.
Noah huffed, grabbed my right wrist and placed the test boxes into my hand.
"Take the test's."
She urged.
I opened my mouth to argue, but a wail from the lounge room saved us from continuing on the same circular track.
Noah jerked a thumb toward's the opening of the short hallway.
"I'll get the Baby. You pee on those stick's."
Luka called out, sounding mildly alarmed.
Another Baby crying echoed my Toddler.
"We'll both see to the children."
I replied, already on the move.

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