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I was confident that it was more than pregnancy hormones that had my vision misted with prickling tear's as I looked around at what our combined efforts had created.
The Riverston Fair Grounds had been strategically planned out so that every square foot of the space had a purpose!
A large stage was set up nearly smack bang in the centre of the grounds, thank's to the Jaxon Rowan Band.
A huge Ferris Wheel loomed in the distance, a smaller one beside it and an even smaller one along side that, for the game Toddler's and other small Kid's.
A massive Jumping Castle was an unmissable wall of colour, with once again, a smaller one alongside it for the littler member's of the community.
The Petting Farm was here, an abundance of cute Animal's hopefully ready to be adored.
There was a section dedicated to where Codie's fearless recently turned 8 year old Son, Bentley, would perform stunt's with his YZ80.
The Riverston Dance Club had a stage where their varying classes would perform over the course of the day.
Della and Yvette Jackson had four Ponies that would take turn's in giving Children Pony rides.
An assortment of stall's were dedicated to member's of the community who were trying to sell thing's they'd created, in order to get money together for Uncle Lukas and Aunt Bridey.
The Bentley's had a stall set up, where Georgia was selling mini cakes, mini donut's, party pie's and party sausage roll's for $2 each and all the cash was going to my Uncle and Aunt's Holiday Fund.
Joel's Parent's had a Bar set up, along with a child friendly version that only sold non alcoholic beverages and a stall where you could buy Burger's, Fish And Chip's or Chicken and Chip's boxes and Schnitty Pack's - the meals were $5 each and half the cost was going directly to Uncle Lukas and Aunt Bridey's fund.
The Thompson's, from the Thompson Racing Stables had volunteered to put on a Barbecue station, where you could grab a snag in bread and a can of drink for $3 — Jared was donating all funds.
Noah's Mum and Sister's had a Face Painting stand set up, where you could get a half face for $2 or a full for $5 — again, they were donating all earning's.
Heath and Mason teamed up and were putting on Whip Cracking demonstration's throughout the day and offering lesson's for $2, which they were also giving directly to the fund.
The Hair And Beauty Salon had a stall offering Nail's done for $5 or temporary coloured hair — there were demo pictures of blue, pink, purple and green — for $10.
There were an assortment of carnival rides and games stands, catered for by independent group's who were throwing $2 for every ticket brought, into the fund.
In the afternoon, there was going to be a Barrel Racing competition, but instead of Horses, the competitor's were required to drive Ute's!
You could bet on who you wanted to or thought might win by giving a $2 donation.
All the coin's were going directly to the fund and the winner would receive a bottle of Wild Turkey or Red/White Wine, depending on their favour.
Blayze was already entered and I knew that people could enter today when they arrived, as long as they did by a certain time.
Jax's Band had come up with a rather ludicrous idea and somehow I'd been roped into it!
I was dragged from my admiration of our hard work, by the ruckus of the Community flowing through the main gates.
It was time to get this day underway!
I spun on my heel to find Blayze, Brodie strapped to his front by a baby sling.
I wound my arm gently around Dale, who was strapped to me, his back facing me so that his curious little eyes could take everything in.
At this rate, I was going to have to stop 'wearing' the Twin's because of pregnancy number three, instead of the Boy's getting too big.
At just over 8 months old, Brodie was crawling and Dale was finally following his Brother's lead.
My jeans were tight and my shirt almost snug, so I knew it wouldn't be long before it wouldn't be safe or practical to continue wearing the Twin's.
I opened my mouth.
"Blayze has Luka."
Blayze informed me.
Smiling, I shook my head.
He know's me too well.
"Old Mate Finnis is meant to be making his speech in a minute."
Blayze declared.
"We'd better round up the Kid's and head over to the stage, then!"
He nodded and turned on his heel.

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