Chapter Fifty Four

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😍😍😍 I'm still here 😍😍😍 I promise 😍😍😍

Della Jackson came over to help Grandma wrangle the five beautiful Babies and Luka while Grandpa, Mum, Uncle Lukas, Aunty Bridey, Jax, Blayze, Codie, Keegan, Joel, Heath, Noah, Hayley, Yvette, Kristen, Pastor Michaelson and I headed out to the South Eastern paddock that held the initial building of the Shearer's Quarter's and the Old Shearing Shed.
Azlan, Zuke and Zeus piled into Blayze's Ute before we could even contemplate telling them to stay behind.
I needed Zuke to come along anyway, to make sure my plan was working.
Blayze, Uncle Lukas, Jax, Keegan, Codie, Heath and Joel piled into the F550, making the Ute look like a clown car.
Mum queried, turning to face the Girl's and I.
"Let's go!"
Noah agreed, throwing a fist into the air and making her way towards Mum's car.
"I'll bring Pastor Michaelson out."
Grandpa suggested.
"I could drive."
The silver haired Pastor suggested.
I shot a glance towards the Pastor's silver Volvo and tried extremely hard not to laugh!
"No offence Neil, but you'll be bogged less than five hundred metres out!"
Grandpa denied, giving the other Man a hearty clap on the back.
Pastor Michaelson ducked his head, a blush tainting his cheeks.
He gave in.
Team Boys were clearly sick of waiting, seeing as Blayze's Ute was quickly growing smaller and smaller, headed out across the first paddock's already.
"Let's go!"
Mum urged, rounding the bonnet of her Land Cruiser.
I waved Aunty Bridey towards the passenger seat and hauled the passenger side back door open to urge the other Girl's in.
"Sorry Vetty, but you're gonna have to jump way back with me!"
Hayley informed her Sister.
Smiling sheepishly, Yvette nodded her head.
Like in my own Family, there were obvious differences between Hayley and her Siblings.
While Hayley was practically Della reincarnate, slender but with soft angles, Yvette was quite clearly a direct mix of Sam and Della, already only a couple of inches shorter than Hayley and with a slim frame and sharp, defined angles.
Yvette Jackson was always the pick for lead roles in School Play's.
And she'd practically been begged to be on the Cheerleading Team when she'd started at Riverston High at the end of January.
The Kid was going places that was for sure!
I eased the passenger side back seat down and then forward so Hayley and Yvette could climb into the dicky seats.
Then I clicked the seat back into place and Noah, Kristen and I piled into the back seat.

When we arrived at the destination that Blayze and I had selected for the Wedding, everybody piled out of the car's and a buzz of chatter filled the air.
I snagged Mum's elbow and pulled her aside.
Jax arrived on Wednesday afternoon, but at around 11PM he'd walked through Blayze and I's door.
He'd stayed with us again last night.
In my book, that didn't indicate that things were even remotely alright between He and Mum.
Mum asked me, raising a carefully styled brunette brow.
"What's going on with you and Jax?"
I prodded, keeping a careful eye on her face to watch for her reaction.
Mum shook her head.
"It's not the time for that honey. We've got a rehearsal to get done."
She muttered, averting her gaze.
And how would we have a remotely smooth Wedding if the Maid Of Honour and Best Man we're struggling?
"Have you told him the news?"
I asked.
Mum shook her head.
"Not yet."
I frowned.
"Why not?"
Mum shot a quick glance towards the rest of the Bridal Party and the Pastor before turning her gaze back to my face.
"As I told you on Monday night... I can't base our Relationship Status on that. I won't."
I frowned.
"But he's been here since Wednesday arvo, yet he's spent the last two nights at our place."
Mum winced.
"Well, it's kind of hard to hash out relationship issues with your parents and most of your Children in the house."
She pointed out.
"Do you still love him?"
I asked.
A number of fresh tear's suddenly made Mum's green eyes sparkle.
"Of course I do."
She whispered.
"I think... more than I ever did Paul. Or your Father."
Her words made my heart skip a beat.
Curious, I twisted around to find Jax.
He wasn't difficult to locate, talking and smiling with the other guys.
But his green gaze slid over to look in Mum and I's direction.
I turned back to Mum.
"And what does Jax think?"
I knew what he'd told me yesterday.
But I wasn't about to tell Mum that.
Not yet.
A mixture of worry and pain danced in her beautiful green eyes.
"I didn't answer or return his call's for the remainder of the time he was away."
She whispered and cringed.
"Stupidly teen like of me, I know. But I had a lot going on in my mind."
She quietly explained.
I nodded, encouraging her to go on.
"On Wednesday night He said He would end the Band if it's what it took."
She whispered.
As her words registered, my eyes just about bugged out of my head.
Jax had told me yesterday that He loves my Mum and would do whatever he could to make her happy.
But I'd had no clue that included leaving his band!
I blinked at Mum, while she used the back of her left hand to wipe at her tear glistened eyes.
"I told him if he did something so stupid then we would be over."
She informed me.
I sucked in a sharp breath.
No way...
"Music is what makes him shine."
She explained, her gaze flickering over towards the guys.
Well, no doubt one guy in particular.
I almost smiled.
"I'd never want him to throw it in."
Mum shook her head.
"Not when he's thriving."
That was Kylie Grace Harley for you.
"I think his offer speaks volumes for his feelings towards you."
I pointed out.
Mum nodded.
"I agree with you. I think it's just... hormones making me lash out."
She all but whispered.
I smiled weakly.
"We all do weird things when we're..."
I waggled my eyebrows pointedly.
I couldn't exactly say the words with so many other people around.
What if somebody was wandering close enough to hear?
Smiling, Mum shook her head.
"Tell him."
I urged her, wrapping her into a hug.
"And sooner rather than later."
She inhaled deeply, hugging me back.
"I will."
She agreed.
"I need to."
She did.
It wasn't fair to keep him in the dark.
"Are you two ready any time soon?!"
Uncle Lukas' voice carried to us.
Mum cleared her throat.
She called back.
Here goes nothing...

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