Chapter Sixty Eight

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Nothing seemed right.
I wasn't about to wear a dress - we weren't going on a damn date!
But were jeans and a jumper the right way to go?
We were going out.
But, I was pretty sure we'd just go to The Local.
For two entire day's, I'd tried to wrap my head around the fact that I out of nowhere had a Big Brother.
Not only did I have a Big Brother, but said Brother was Keegan Dawson.
Everybody in Town knew who Keegan Dawson was.
I didn't remember back far enough to really recall Keegan as a Boy.
But I did vividly remember there being a list at least as long as my arm, of the trouble he had gotten into over the year's.
Hayley and I were just Kid's when He'd started working at her Home on Weekend's and during School Holiday's.
I'd learned down the track that initially, it was some kind of Community Service type deal.
Apparently some of the Cop's in our Town had wanted to send him as far away from Riverston as possible, but Hayley's Dad, Sam, had apparently been sick and tired of Kid's in need not getting the helping hand that they were begging for, so He'd insisted Keegan stayed at their place on Weekend's and School Holiday's.
I eyed my latest outfit attempt in the full length mirror.
Black skinny jean's, a green turtleneck jumper type top and a pair of black and green Twisted X boot's.
On the bed, I had a black leather jacket waiting - it was after all June, which meant it was going to be bloody cold outside!
I shook my head.
This was going to have to do.
"This is fucken weird."
Turning away from the mirror, I found Blayze leaning against the foot of our bed.
"So it's not just me?"
I asked, raising my brow's.
He folded his arm's across his dark blue Pure Western t-shirt covered chest.
"You're goin' out to Dinner with my Best Friend."
I smirked, walking over to him.
He rolled his eyes.
"No. But it is weird."
I slipped my hand's around his waist.
"You're his Best Friend and apparently I'm his Sister, so I guess we'll have to see who win's!"
I teased, giving him a light hearted chest slap as I stepped back.
I should go and spend some time with my Babies.
It wouldn't be long before it was time to hit the road.
I took one step and Blayze's hand wrapped around my wrist.
With one tug, He spun me back around to face him and leaned down to kiss my lip's.
"I was only joking. You know that, right?"
I murmured, resting my hand's on his hip's.
"I'd never steal anything from you."
He gave the end of my nose a gentle flick, so light that it certainly didn't hurt, but I tried to swat his hand away and missed anyway.
I frowned.
"What are you talking about? So I borrow your t-shirt's and hoody's sometimes."
I rolled my eyes.
Deep blue-green eyes twinkling, he cracked a smile.
"You stole my heart."
He explained, stepping around me, heading for the door.
I blinked, twice, my heart thumping just slightly out of rhythm.
Typical Blayze, saying something so sweet and unBlayze when I wasn't expecting it!
in our bedroom doorway, He stopped and looked over his shoulder at me.
"But it's okay, 'coz you're the only person I'd trust it with."
Big, fat, hot, unstoppable tear's bombarded my eyes.
"You can't say sweet stuff like that as you're walking away!"
I protested, my voice strangled.
He winked.
"I won't say anything anymore."
He turned and put one foot through the doorway.
"Blayze Rowan Riley!"
I growl/whined, stomping a foot like a petulant Toddler.
Laughing, He spun on his heel to face me.
"Get the hell back over here!"
I demanded, pointing to the space directly in front of my feet.
He cocked a brow.
"Do I look like Luka, or Zuke?"
I folded my arm's under my chest.
"Of course you look like Luka, He's your Son. But just get over here already!"
Shaking his head, but smiling, he abandoned the doorway.

When Hayley and Summer entered the house with Keegan, I instantly felt equal part's relieved and a bit... irritated.
She was the one who'd insisted Keegan and I should hang out.
While it felt a bit weird — I was trying to wrap my head around the whole situation as it was — I'd thought She'd meant just Keegan and I.
"You and Summer are joining?"
I asked, praying my smile didn't come off as forced as I feared it did.
Hayley shook her head vigorously.
"But it was just gonna be Summer and I at home, so I figured I'd come and hang with these guy's!"
Smiling, she gestured toward's Blayze, Noah, Codie, Heath and Mini Blayze.
The brief look Blayze and Codie exchanged, indicated they'd had no idea about the plan.
Noah chirped, adjusting Knox on her hip.
"Now I've got a sidekick to annoy the Boy's with Girl Talk!"
Hayley laughed!
Smiling, I shook my head.
Mini Blayze groaned.
Blayze and Codie looked almost physically pained.
Codie offered my Husband, literally already backing toward's the stair's.
"Not on your life!"
Noah whirled to face him.
Knox giggled!
"No Toadie!"
Luka scolded, pointing a telling finger up at him.
"You guy's are not buggering off upstair's and leaving Me to wrangle everything!"
I knew that by 'everything', She meant the Kids' Dinner, bath's and bed.
"I can help you, No."
Hayley offered, smiling.
Noah shot her a smile, but zeroed her almost glare back in on Codie.
He rubbed at the back of his neck, looking stuck.
He was smart enough to know by now that wouldn't fly with Noah.
"After bed time?"
He asked, looking hopeful.
Muttering curses under her breath, Noah turned on her heel and moved into the Lounge Room area.
Mini Blayze muttered.
Hayley turned to Keegan and stretched her arm's out for their Daughter.
It was show time.
Keegan turned Summer around, lifted her to his eye level to kiss her, then hugged her tight, but clearly gently.
My heart melted a little.
Oh yeah.
it was time to say bye to my own Babies.
Blayze had Brodie propped in the crook of his right arm and Mini Blayze held Dale, looking partly like he was trying to hold a football.
Dale was putting up with it, with only slightly furrowed brow's, but the compliance would only last so long.
Deciding to once again give Mini Blayze a helping hand and to say goodbye to Dale, I moved over to the pair.
"Do you mind?"
I asked, outstretching my hand's.
Looking absolutely relieved, Mini Blayze tried to hand me my Son, but not drop him.
"Bye my Baby..."
I crooned, kissing both the Little Man's cheek's.
I turned back to Blayze's Nephew.
The poor Kid looked like a Roo caught in headlight's!
I adjusted Dale in my grip, ready to hand him back over.
"Like this."
I explained, positioning the Baby to straddle the Teenager's left hip.
"And just support his back with your arm."
I encouraged.
Full of concentration, He did as I suggested.
"Much better!"
I praised.
Next, I moved to my Husband and stood on my tip toes to kiss Brodie's cheek's.
Now for the one that could have an opinion...
I turned to Luka, squatted to get down to his level and opened my arm's up to him.
With a smile, my eldest Baby all but launched himself into my embrace.
"I love you."
I promised, hugging him firm, but not too tight.
"Love ooh Mummy."
He answered.
I pulled back.
I asked.
He puckered his lip's and leaned in.
I kissed him, then smacked my lips.
Luka copied, giggling.
I ruffled his inky black hair and pushed to my feet.
I got to my tippy toes and stretched to kiss Blayze.
Thankfully, He leaned down to meet me.
"I love you."
I reminded him.
"I love you too."
He replied.
Trying to hide my nerves, I turned to Keegan to see if He was ready to go.
Hayley had joined Noah in the Lounge Room and they'd swapped Babies, Noah snuggling Summer and Hayley giving Knox a cuddle.
"You ready?"
Keegan asked, hand's in the pocket's of his new looking Wrangler jacket.
Grabbing my handbag — I really still wasn't all that used to carrying one yet — off the dining table, I headed for the door.
Luka shouted.
Heart clenching painfully, I turned around at the sound of his little feet pattering quickly across the floorboard's.
"He's gonna start screaming, isn't he?"
Mini Blayze asked, sounding pained.
Blayze agreed.
"Go, Bail's."
He urged, turning in my direction.
"You know how this goes."
Ignoring everybody else, I leaned down to kiss Luka's forehead.
"I'll see you in a bit."
I assured him.
I wouldn't see him until Tomorrow, because He'd be sound asleep by the time I returned, but there was no sense in telling my Toddler that.
I straightened and turned to leave, but my eldest Son wrapped his arm's around my jeans clad left leg and wailed.
"I'll take Brodie."
I heard Codie offer.
I didn't hear the exchange of the Baby, but I did know when Blayze came over to get Luka.
"No Daddy! No! My Mummy!"
Luka shouted, tightening his grip around my thigh.
I closed my eyes.
I felt Blayze pry Luka's arm's off me.
"Mum'll be back soon."
He promised our eldest Baby.
Swallowing past a lump in my throat, I grabbed the door handle and pulled the front door open.
"My Mummyyyyyy!"
Luka screamed.
When exactly was this 'strength' Mum, Grandma and Aunt Bridey promised me of being able to just walk away when your Child screamed and cried for you supposed to kick in?
Every time I left Luka when he was awake, was a legit dagger to my heart.
I feared it was leaving permanent scar's.
Even worse, what if it was long term going to affect my Son?
I clenched my jaw as I walked down the porch step's.

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