Chapter Fifty Five

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Thank you to my bestie Ashleighmitch18 and @aahopkins13 and Giggles_s for your feedback, I LOVE hearing from my readers 😍😍

"You put your left arm in! You put your left arm out! You put your left arm in and you shake it all about!"
Watching my Siblings teach Luka the Hokey Pokey was hilarious!
They couldn't even get through one element of the song without dissolving into laughter that had them practically rolling around on my lounge room floor.
Luka was laughing his head off as well, doing his best to mimmic the older Kids' actions.
"You put your right arm in!"
Jace lead the group in continuing.
Luka put his left arm forward.
"No! Other arm!"
Izac chided, diving in to help Luka to swap arms.
"This is gold!"
Noah whispered.
I shot her a grin and turned my focus back to the Kid's, my phone recording their antics.
"You put your right arm out!"
Jace sang, throwing his right arm behind his back.
Luka declared, putting his arm behind his back.
"You put your right arm in!"
Jace declared, extending his arm forward again.
Izac, Hazel and Lily all copiec him.
Grinning from ear to ear, Luka copied the four of them.
"And you shake it all about!"
Jace declared, shaking the crap out of his right arm.
The other Kid's all did it too, Luka copying them.
Or at least doing his best to.
"What the hell's goin' on?"
I stopped recording and twisted around from my seat on the lounge to find Blayze, Codie and Heath standing in the front doorway, Heath with Tatum cradled in his arm and all three Guy's wearing bewildered expressions.
"The cutest thing ever!"
Noah declared.
Lily shouted.
Luka ran towards the door, The Hokey Pokey forgotten.
My Brother's and Sister's ran towards the front door too, their faces lit up in excitement.
Blayze scooped Luka up off the floor and propped him against his side.
"Hey mate!"
He greeted, dropping a kiss on our eldest Son's cheek.
Izac, Jace, Hazel and Lily swamped Blayze, doing their best to all try to get their arms around some part of him at once.
I lifted my phone and quickly snapped a few photos, hoping I at the very least got one good one!
"Hey guys!"
Blayze greeted the Kid's.
"We're staying with you tonight!"
Izac boasted, his head tilted back to stare way up at Blayze's face.
"You're more than welcome to stay here, but you ain't stayin' in my bed!"
Blayze replied, using his hand that wasn't holding Luka to ruffle Izac's unrily brunette hair.
"We can if we want!"
Jace retorted, his grin cheeky.
Codie laughed!
Smiling, Noah shook her head.
Blayze feigned horror, his eyes super wide and the Kid's all laughed!
"You're seriously gonna make Me and Bailey sleep on the couch?!"
He asked, emphasising the horror.
It was my turn to giggle.
"We're all going on the couch?"
Hazel asked, looking and sounding quite worried as she looked at each of our Siblings and then the leather lounge.
Codie denied with a shake of his head.
"We'll pump up the blow up mattress."
They will?
I shot Noah a surprised glance.
"We get to go camping?!"
Izac asked, jumping up and down on the spot.
"In the lounge room, yeah."
Blayze agreed.
"Guess the Guy's have the sleeping arrangements organised."
Noah whispered, giving my side a gentle nudge.
Thank god.
I'd offered that the Kid's could stay the night, but hadn't really considered the fact that Codie and Noah were using one spare room and bed and that Heath was lately prone to crashing in the other spare room, Tatum in tow.
I called, clapping my hands.
One by one, each gaze turned my way, my Sibling's all slowly turning around.
Codie raised a questioning brow, his lips quirking like he was fighting a smile.
"How about... Blayze, Heath and Codie take everybody outside for a game of Footy or something?"
I suggested.
Blayze narrowed his eyes at me.
Codie's eyes widened.
Heath closed his.
"I think that sounds like a marvellous idea!"
Noah agreed.
I grinned at Blayze, hoping he would get my telepathic message that the Kid's needed to let off some steam before they were locked indoors for the night.
He relented, with a roll of his eyes.
"I want to be on Blayze's team!"
Jace declared.
"Then I want to be on Codie's team!"
Izac retorted.
"Well then I want to be on Heath's team!"
Lily chimed in.
I closed my eyes.
"We'll work out Team's outside."
Codie stated.
I opened my eyes.
"And there can only be two Team's."
Heath added and smirked.
"So Heath will Umpire."
Blayze shot his Brother a glare.
"Everybody out!"
Noah ordered, rising to her feet and clapping her hands.
My Sibling's scampered out of the still open doorway, clattering their way across our decking.
"We can watch Tatum."
I offered Heath, holding out my arms.
He rolled his eyes and walked up to the back of the lounge to hand me his Daughter.
"And what exactly are you Girl's gonna be doin'?"
Heath asked, raising a questioning brow.
"Watching the Babies!"
Noah declared.
"And working out what the heck to do for Dinner."
I added quickly, in case He thought we were getting off too lightly.
Heath turned and ambled out of the front doorway, pulling the door shut behind himself.

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