Chapter Fifty Eight

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Noah and I stared at each other; practically glaring.
Three seconds later we both burst into laughter!
Noah shook her head.
I folded my arms under my chest.
"I already spoke to Codie about it and his answer was hell yeah."
Moan ran her hands over her face and groaned.
"We owe you."
I reasoned.
"In advance, if not anything else. Seeing as you guys have already said you'll help with Luka and the Twin's while we're on the Honeymoon."
Mum was insistent that she and Jax had it covered.
But I was glad Noah and Codie also wanted to help, considering Mum's pregnancy.
"You don't owe us anything!"
Noah squealed, her eyes bulging.
"You've taken us in!"
She gestured pointedly around at the House we were standing in.
I stepped forward and clamped my hands down on her shoulders.
She blinked.
"Shut up."
I told her.
"And enjoy a child free evening with your Man."
She chewed on her bottom lip.
"You both deserve it."
I insisted.
"And Blayze and I are more than happy to watch Knox."
Well I was happy to watch Knox.
He was a gorgeous little 5 month old treasure.
Blayze was just going to have to Suck It Up Princess.
Noah held her hands up, as if holding off an attack.
"I surrender."
I grinned!
About time.
Noah and I both turned around to find Luka running towards us.
"Yeah Baby?"
I asked, squatting to get more to the Toddler's level.
My eldest Son asked me, throwing his arms around my neck.
Guess it was time for his Morning Tea.
"I'll get it."
Noah offered, moving around me to go to the fridge.

There was calm in the House.
Luka, Knox, Brodie, Dale and Tatum were all napping.
During the day times, Brodie and Dale's bedroom had turned into a legit Nursery these day's, with Knox and Tatum now using portable Cot's in the room as well, so we could keep all the youngest together for easy supervising.
If only we didn't live over an hour out of Town.
I could run a Day Care service if we lived closer!
But I'd never willingly leave Harley Crest for any lengthy period of time.
"How's your little Bun doing?"
I asked Noah as I walked out of the hallway from checking on the sleeping Babies again.
"All is good."
Noah shot me a small smile from where she sat on the lounge and placed a hand protectively over her lower stomach.
"I think."
She's had one scan so far.
Mum was in Fletcher Creek today, Jax in tow, to have her first scan.
I was excited and a little nervous to hear how she went, though I think the nerves were only coming into play because Mum was a bit nervous.
She insisted she feels good.
But she's now 38 years old, so there's the chance of complications with older Women having Babies.
I'd had all fingers and toes crossed practically all morning, praying for good news.
I cast another glance towards my phone that was sitting on the Kitchen bench.
It still hadn't rung.
Hurry up and let me know what's going on Mother!
Zuke and Bandit scrambled off the large Doggy bed and jogged over to the front door.
I hung near the Kitchen entrance and watched the door, curious about who would show themselves.
Zuke and Bandit seemed excited, both with wagging tails and Zuke whining eagerly.
Smiling, I shook my head.
The scrambling of Dog claws sounded on the other side of the door.
Azlan and Zeus were back.
Which meant Blayze was back.
I glanced towards the clock up on the wall.
I frowned.
Wasn't Blayze meant to be putting in a full day today, considering the Wedding was in two days' time and then we were away for a week for our Honeymoon?
The front door opened and Azlan and Zeus spilled into the house, tails wagging and in Zeus' case, panting.
Azlan's brown eyes were sparkling, his mostly black coat was shiny and his energiser bunny spring was back in his step.
While I'd never dared to say it out loud, I'd feared He would never fully come back from the snake bite accident.
Blayze's frowns as he watched his first Dog pant after a leisurely stroll around the sheds and stables of the homestead, or the way the Dog would lay down whenever Blayze stopped walking and then would scramble to get to his feet had told me he too was concerned the Kelpie's life would be cut short.
But in just this last week, Azlan had his old fire back inside of him.
Even Zuke with his still fairly Puppy type energy couldn't beat Azlan places anymore.
Azlan had officially reclaimed his throne of fastest, smartest and most agile Dog.
As if to prove the point, the Kelpie jumped up beside me and flicked his tongue out to brush my cheek.
His tongue was the only part of his body that touched mine.
He landed back on the floor, mouth open in a wide Doggy grin and wagging his tail.
"Hey good boy."
I bent over to give him a pat.
Blayze scanned the lounge room, then stepped aside and pointed outside.
Zuke and Bandit raced out of the door, across the decking and down the steps.
"Go Zera."
Noah ordered the only female Dog of the mix.
With a low hanging head, Zera climbed off the large Doggy bed and walked towards the open front door.
"Hey Babe!"
I greeted Blayze, wiping my hands off on my leggings clad thighs.
He eyed me wearily as he stepped forward.
"Home for some Lunch?"
I asked, realising that could well be why he was here.
"Jax called a meeting."
He explained, shooting a glance over his shoulder.
"They should be here any time now."
I looked at my phone.
Why didn't Mum call me?
"But... I wouldn't say no to a sandwich or three."
Blayze declared.
It would be good to distract myself while I waited for Mum and Jax.
I just prayed they had good news.

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