The Birthday Party

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     You and Frodo Baggins spent almost every waking second with each other. You've been best friends, since, well, forever. You'd love to hear his Uncle Bilbo's stories of his adventures.
      Frodo and you were currently sitting beneath a tree, reading, joking around, making funny faces, and more. You were waiting for Gandalf's arrival.
The faint sound of cluttering hooves came to both of your ears. You both stood up and gave each other a playful glare until racing to the noise. Frodo beat you there of course, you were always two steps behind him.
    "You're late." Frodo stated. Gandalf slowly (and dramatically) lifted his gaze up to meet ours. Frodo crossed him arms and you mockingly copied him. This made Gandalf snigger slightly.
     "A wizard is never late. Nor is he early. He arrives precisely when he means to, dear Frodo." He states. After a few moments of staring at each other, and a few confused glances from you, they both broke out into laughter and came into a hug.
     Frodo climbed into the carriage, and you followed him.

     "(Y/n)!" You heard your mother call.
     "Yes?" You returned. She asked if you had changed into you dress. And when your reply was no, she instantly dropped everything and rushed into your bedroom to help you change.
Initially, your plan was to wear a dress shirt tucked into a nice skirt, seeing as how you didn't like dresses. But it took some arguing with your mother to get her to allow you to wear what you wanted.
    She helped you change, and you stared in the mirror, happy with your complexion. You were in a white sweater and a black skirt. Short enough to show off your legs, but not short enough to become attention seeking.
     You heard a knock at the door. Your mother went to get it while you finished fixing your hair. You ended up fumbling with it for too long, and just decided to leave it alone.

-Frodo's Perspective-
    I nervously knocked on the door to (y/n) house. I quickly gave my shirt a quick brushing off before I heard someone open the door. It was her mother.
    "Ah yes. She'll be out in a minute. Have a seat." I sat down, and (y/n)'s mother walked back into the kitchen. Within a few minutes, (y/n) walked in. She wasn't wearing a dress, that both pleased and shocked me.
She was wearing a white sweater, that was tucked into a perfect-length black skirt.
    "Frodo," she whispered nervously, nodding slightly on my direction. I could only smile stupidly in response, and without another word we headed out the door.

-Your Pov-
    Frodo and you did not speak much until you grabbed his arm and rested your head on his shoulder. You did this all the time, but something about this moment made Frodo rest his head on yours as you continued to walk to the party.
       "Can we finally make Sam dance with Rosie?" This earned an amused snort from Frodo.
         "As you wish."


      After some walking, you reached the destination of the party. You just kind of trailed after Frodo the entire time, not really knowing anybody except for Pip, Merry, and Sam. Finally, you spotted Pip and Merry. You trailed after them and found them digging through Gandalf's fireworks.
      "Watcha up to?" You asked excitedly. You weren't a trouble maker, but whenever it came down to Pippin and Merry you couldn't resist.
"Getting a firework," they said at the same time.
Pippin pulled out a firework.
"No no, big one big one!" Merry said. Pippin put the firework back and grabbed a large dragon one, in the shape of a hook.
You all cracked a smile.
     "Go on Sam, ask Rosie to dance!" You heard Frodo say. You turned your attention over to where Frodo and Sam where sitting.
"Hold on," you muttered to Merry and Pippin. You snuck up behind Sam.
"No thanks I think I'll just-"
"Oh no you don't!" you shoved Sam into Rosie. Rosie swooped him up and Sam began dancing clumsily.
You and Frodo both burst into laughter.
You ran back over to Pippin and Merry who had the firework in the ground.
Pippin lit it.
"Your supposed to stick it in the ground!"
"It is in the ground!"
They shoved it to you.
"This was your idea!" You cried shoving it back.
"I don't want it!"
"Well-" too late. The firework had bursted into the sky, knocking you three over and charring your faces.
Being smart as you were, you crawled behind the firework cake and watched as it turned into a dragon and soared over the area.
It finally bursted and everyone clapped and cheered.
"That was good."
"Let's get another-"
"OW!" You giggled as Gandalf grabbed both of their ears.
"Peregrine Took, and Meriadoc Brandybuck. I should have known."
You stepped out from behind the cart.
"A real fool would abandon the scene of the crime. I really expected better." you giggled. Gandalf smiled at you and dropped Pip n Merry.
"You could learn a bit from her lads," Gandalf chuckled and walked away, patting you on the back as he did so.
"No fair!"
"Why doesn't she ever get in trouble?"
You smirked and walked away.

Gandalf had made the cousins wash and clean the dishes for their misbehavior.
People began chanting for Bilbo to give a speech.
He did so, and as he addressed all of the hobbit families, he didn't address yours. You were the only exception because you were Frodo's friend. You suddenly thought about how different your life would be if Frodo hadn't met you by the creek that day.

    Gandalf had just left Bilbo's hobbit hole. After Bilbo's big disappearance, you hadn't left Frodo's side since. He'd been grieved. He was very close to his Uncle.
     "Frodo..." you began. He shook his head. You moved closer to him and curled up next to him. You both kept each other warm with your body heat. He but his arms around you. And held you close. He couldn't be any more thankful for a friend like you.

While We're Here (Frodo x Reader x Sam)[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now