Will We Become Legends?

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Tochi eventually led you to Sam and Frodo after a few days. You had found them wandering through the woods, completely lost without their guide.

"Y/N!!" Sam had called out. He ran up to Tochi with no fear and you slid off his back into Sam's arms. He twirled you around and began laughing.
"Oh y/n we thought we lost you!" He cried out. You began laughing as well, happy tears falling from your face.
"You couldn't get rid of me if you tried," you smiled as Sam set you down and cupped your cheek. You leaned into it slightly and he rubbed your cheek with his thumb.
You saw Frodo waiting behind Sam. He noticed you glancing at him and broke into a smile, his arms outstretched, waiting for a hug.
You broke your embrace with Sam and flung yourself at Frodo.
He pulled you into a tight and comforting hug. You dug your face into his chest.
"I'm so sorry for overreacting.. I was so confused and, and," Frodo cut you off with a warm look.
The tears continued to fall from your eyes as Sam came over and joined your hug.
"Mind explaining the giant dog?" You laughed and looked over at Tochi who was giving Sam a death glare for calling him a dog.
You approached the black wolf-like creature and he lowered so you could mount.
He reared slightly as a horse would and Frodo and Sam stared in awe.
"How did you..?" Frodo began. You patted Tochi's neck.
"He was shot by his own rider, I healed him and he stuck around I guess," you said with a shrug. Sam and Frodo smiled again as Smeagol continued to lead the way through the forest.
"Wonder if we'll ever be put into songs or tales," Sam wondered aloud.
"What?" Frodo asked with a scoff and a smile.
"Wonder if people will ever say 'Tell me about Frodo and the ring!' and I'll say 'Yes that's one of my favorite stories.' 'Frodo was really courageous wasn't he dad?' 'Yes my boy, the most famousist of hobbits. And that's saying a lot.'"
You and Frodo began chuckling.
"You've left out one of the chief characters," Frodo said with a grin. Sam peeked up. Frodo chuckled again.
"Y/n the amazing." You doubled over laughing as Sam gave a death glare to Frodo.
"I dunno, I want to hear more about Sam. Samwise the brave," you said. Frodo stopped and gave a look to both of you.
"Frodo wouldn't have gotten far without y/n and Sam.."
"Now Mister Frodo you shouldn't make fun, I was being serious." Sam said. You slid off of Tochi's back and walked towards the boys silently.
You walked closer and placed a hand on Sam's shoulder as Frodo gave you both a warm and solemn look.
"So was I." Tochi came over and nudged you and Sam closer to Frodo and you all smiled.
"I missed you guys," you sighed. The silence was the only response you needed. Frodo dipped his head and began walking away, Sam and you following, Tochi walking not far behind.
As you walked you heard San sigh under his breath.
"Samwise the brave." A small smile danced across your face as you took his hand. He gave it a small squeeze as your small makeshift group continued to walk, listening to the creatures flutter in the sky or tunnel underground.
"Wait a minute," you said, stopping. "Smeagol?" You called. Sam and Frodo began looking around searching for their guide.

Tochi's Perspective
I scented the air looking for the weird pale creature my master seemed to like. I heard it's cries and followed them. I found the creature struggling to walk, and listened to what it was saying.
"The master looks after us. Master wouldn't hurt us!"
"The masters broke their promise!"
"Don't ask Smeagol to help.."
"Master betrayed us! Wicked, tricksy, false! We ought to wring his filthy little neck! Kill them! Kill them both! And then we take the precious.. and we be the master!"
"But the fat Hobbit! He knows! Eyes always watching!"
"Then we takes him out! Put out his eyes and make him crawl."
"Yes yes yes!"
"Kill them both."
"Yess! No no! Too risky it's too risky!"
"We could let her do it."
"Yes! She could do it!"
"Yes precious she could. Then we takes it once they're dead. Once they're dead.. shhhhhh."
I'd heard enough. I sprung at the creature and bared my teeth in its face. I growled loudly and held it as it screamed.
My master came running over. She shouted at me.
I tucked my tail in between my legs and backed off.
She hugged the filth and I whined. The fat hobbit began to speak.
"Maybe it's on to something," he said. My master shook her head.
"No he just doesn't like new people," she said. They began walking again.
"Come on hobbits! Much ways to go yet! Follow Smeagol."
I followed them and continued to whine and glare at Smeagol. He's the tricksy one. Not the masters. My eye was on him for the rest on the journey. He would not harm my master.
Regardless of the things Smeagol has done, he's still one of my favs. And damn. Pippin is a great singer, who knew? Fun fact that this is actually my first time watching Return of the king with my full attention... I've always had it on in the background while I did something else. But it was AMAZING I frickin love Pippin someone help new addiction holy lord. But we are done with the second movie! And don't kill me I haven't read the books yet but I'm planning on doing so once I finish reading Harry Potter. Gotta finish Order of the Phoenix and the other books. Wish me luck. *salute*

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