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A/N: 200 reads??? Thank you all so much for your encouraging comments! It means a lot to me. I'm sorry that this part took so long to do, been having some rough times. But anyways enjoy, and leave a comment and what you think! :D

You whimpered from underneath your sack. You had no idea where you were, but the smell was damp, and grody.
Suddenly, your sack was pulled off and you were met with a blonde man, similar looking to Baromir. (<-- probably spelt his name wrong, oh well)
"Speak child." He spat. You narrowed your eyes at his tone, and glance around, seeing many men with bows aimed at you.
"I am no child. I am a hobbit of the shire." You stated. He raised an eyebrow.
"Sounds like orc rubbish if you ask me." He smirked, and unbound your ropes.
"Your free to go." You nodded in thanks, grabbed your sack and your weapon belt, and sped off without hesitation.
You ran out of the cave, not caring nor wondering why the man let you go so easily. Running aimlessly you eventually came across a forest.
Weary and uncertain of what laid within, you entered, keeping high guard. Within moments of wandering about the forest, you heard a slight whimpering.
Turning the corner from behind a tree, you came across an injured warg. The near-dead warg had an arrow sticking out of its shoulder, and blood trickling from a gash in its neck.
"Oh.." knowing you weren't supposed to associate with "orc-spawn", you tried to ignore the warg and carry on with your wander.
The whimper came again, this time more desperate and hopeless.
You could not let your sense draw you away from the injured creature. Reluctantly you turned around and looked into its large, emerald eyes. It was black in color. From studying orcs back in the shire, you knew that a black warg was normally given to those of high importance. Knowing the bond wargs normally shared with their rider, you wondered why it was simply left here to die, and suffer. Noticing ropes laced around its waist and neck, you removed your dagger from its holder. The warg growled slightly as you approached, but soon turned its head the other way, too tired to defend itself.
Lucky I found it before anyone else did.. you thought. The closer you got to the creature, the better the arrow came into view. You stopped suddenly once you got a full look of the arrow. Black arrow, poisoned. An orc had shot its own warg. You slowly sat near the wargs head, and rested the head that was bigger than your torso onto your lap. As you reached down to pet it, the warg tensed up at first but then eased into it.
Slowly and carefully, you sliced all the ropes off, and removed your backpack from your shoulders, placing your dagger back in its holder.
You took out bandages and herbs from your rucksack and began to stand up, crushing some kingsfoil and marigold together. After they were crushed, you chewed them and then spat out the past onto your palm.
Sitting back down next to the warg, you gently set the paste into the wound onto its neck, obviously created by an orc weapon.
You looked at the arrow lodged into its shoulder. You muttered soothing words to the creature as you quickly dislodged the arrow. It howled in pain and snapped at your hand, which you quickly pulled away from its large jaws. It whimpered and soon laid its head back on the ground. You repeated the process you did with its neck for its shoulder. Carefully, you rapped both its wounds in thick bandages and pat its head gently. Loosely, you tied the rope around its neck, like how Sam had tied one around Smeagol. Reluctantly, you pushed on its lower shoulder in hopes of getting it off the ground. Shakily, it stood up and began to walk slowly in circles around you. With its enormous head it came over and nuzzled you. Laughing, you stoked its square muzzle and ran your fingers down its neck. You approached its torso, to which it hopped excitedly.
Using the rope to support you, you hoisted yourself onto its back. The warg then began to wander around the forest. Eventually, the night fell, and you fell asleep on the wargs back.
You began to slip to the side, and before you hit the ground the warg nipped the collar of your shirt and set you down gently.
In a protective manner, it curled itself around you and soon fell asleep beneath the roofed forest.

While We're Here (Frodo x Reader x Sam)[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now