Free Smeagol

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Smeagol was walking along rocks in the river, enjoying himself.
"Hey! Don't you be getting to far ahead!" Sam shouted at him. He got a tug on his sleeve and a pleading look from you for doing so. He sighed and continued walking. You decided to climb into the river after Smeagol. The water suddenly hit your legs.
"Cold! Cold!" You squealed and ran out of the water, into the nearest set of arms. It was Sam. He looked down at you and chuckled. You suddenly sprinted ahead the shore, waiting for the hobbits to chase you. Once they reached you, you splashed water at them. Smeagol then began to laugh hysterically.
While you were laughing with Smeagol, Frodo suddenly sprinted towards you and scooped you up bridle style. He twirled you around jokingly, humming a song. You giggled and squeaked, and hugged his neck.
"Hey! Smeagol!" Sam suddenly shouted again. You glared at Sam while Frodo set you down. You called Smeagol back to the shore and took and extra shirt out of your sack and dried Smeagol off with it. You heard murmuring from Sam and Frodo, you eyed them suspiciously.
"What do you know about it? Nothing!" Frodo shouted suddenly. This led to more murmurs, something about the ring, and then Frodo began shouting at Sam.
"I know what I have to do! The ring was assigned to me, my task, my own!" Frodo glanced over Sam's shoulder to see tears forming in your eyes as you watched them argue. Frodo then shoved past Sam and approached you.
"Can't you hear yourself? Don't you know who you sound like?!" Sam called after Frodo as he walked away from him.
"Get up," he commanded. You did not like this side of him.
"I will do so when you ask properly!" You retorted. The anger suddenly drained from his pale blue eyes as he gazed at you. He sighed and held out his hand.
"I'm sorry," he murmured. Reluctantly you took his hand and stood up. Frodo pulled you into a hug, and you sighed as you buried your face into his chest. He withdrew a little, an pecked you on the forehead quickly. You placed a soft kiss on his lips and he smiled down at you.
Sam approached. Frodo nodded and you four continued north to Mordor.

You were examining your sword beneath a tree as Frodo and Sam slept. Smeagol was murmuring and arguing with himself, but you ignored it, he did that sometimes. But your head looked up when you heard something about the masters.
"But the masters are our friends!"
"You don't have any friends... nobody likes youuuu."
"Not listening, I'm not listening!"
"Using the trick the stupid girly taught you?"
"Shut up!"
"Your a liar... and a thief!"
"Go away..."
"Go away? Heheh."
"I hate you.... I hate you..."
"Where would you be without me? Gollum Gollum I saved us! It was me! We survived because of me!"
"Not... anymore..."
            "What did you say..?"
"The masters look after us now, we don't need you."
             "Leave now. And never come back.
             "Leave now, and never come back!"
             "Leave, now! And never, come back!"
         Smeagol stopped and looked around. It began panting.
        "We told him to go away! And he away he goes precious! Gollum is gone! Smeagol is free!!!" It kept off of its rock and began jumping and dancing for joy.

While We're Here (Frodo x Reader x Sam)[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now