Old Allegiances

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   Rygor sped towards Gondor, and you slid off of him as he was landing, clumsily climbing your way to your feet and running to Gandalf.

   "Rohan's riders have come! They're here!" You gasped, out of breath. Gandalf looked at you, then back towards the horizon. A look of instant relief came over his face. You watched over the wall with hope as the massive army cheered in their spirit and blew their horns. They soon began charging the field, battle cries escaping their mouths. Arrows flew from the orcs, and some met their marks. But the massive army continued to thunder forward, closing the distance between them, and filth.

And that's when the elephants came in.

   You looked fearfully at the beasts, not knowing what to do and when. The mastodons stormed the armies, armored with spiked tusks and mounted by towers of orcs. When the two armies met, one swipe of their tusks, and a wave was wept clean. You watched as a few of the mastodons tumbled against each other. Your prevention from entering this battle, was your love of creatures. You bit at your nails hesitantly, and slipped off of Rygor, sending him forth towards the battle, along with Baron. You whistled, and saw a patch of black fur moving towards you. You rushed at Tochi, cradling his head in your arms.

   "Are you ready?" You questioned in a whisper, only to receive a confused whine in response. You mounted Tochi, and sent him forth running, his speed being more now then it ever was before.


   You had your sword raised, about to bring it down on an orc, but Tochi raised his head suddenly and turned to another direction. You didn't notice at first, until he began running away from your target.

   "Tochi!" You gasped with surprise. You had to cling to his reins a bit harshly in order to prevent yourself from falling off. You sat up rather suddenly when he came to an abrupt halt. Tochi was staring at what looked like a crumbled piece of tin. He sniffed it an immediately jumped back. As you gazed at it further, you realized just exactly what it was.

   "Oh my god.. he's gone?" You slipped off of Tochi and approached the figure. You dare not touch it, and you soon returned back to Tochi, mounting him once more. You nudged the reins, but Tochi wouldn't budge.

   "Tochi! We need to get back to the others, cmon," you pleaded, gazing at the battle field. A large stomp came from in front of you, as you turned to see a large orc standing before you, with a small group of wargs standing behind him. It was Tochi's pack.

   "I see you've found my runt," he sneered. Your grip tightened on your sword as you pointed it at him. He let out a small snort of amusement, taking you and Tochi into his eyes.

   "I'll make sure you both stand where you were supposed to. Dead!" He let out. He began marching towards you and Tochi, a mace raised above his head. Tochi's pack watched sadly, until they leapt into action.

   You watched as they tore apart the orc. Tochi let out a few confused whines, but once the orc's death was in order, the pack looked at you expectantly. You nodded and nudged Tochi once more, this time, he charged into battle once more.


   You stood at the empty battle field, confused of what would happen next. Hundreds of thousands of orcs lay dead, and you and your small band of creatures stood behind Aragorn, waiting for his answer of what to do with the undead army. After many moments of debate, a small nod of his head was signal enough for what he was going to do. The army soon faded away, looks of relief upon their faces.

   You turned your head towards Pip, who was running towards something. Noticing what he was running for, you slid off of Tochi and ran by his side. You helped him remove a body, coming face to face with Merry.

   Pip and merry exchanged a few words, a few tears escaping your eyes. You turned to gaze at the direction of Mordor.

    "Frodo," you muttered under your breath.

A Few Years Later...

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