Worried Cries

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A/N: HECK DIZZLE ITS SUMMER. MEANING THAT ILL ALSO BE UPDATING MORE OFTEN! I can't thank the people who've stuck around despite the slow updates and millions of authors notes enough, but I can try. Thank you all sooo so much! I'm glad you all enjoy it so much. And a special thanks to fanficwriterlotr , whose been with me since the beginning! Now enjoy the chapter <3
You felt cold. Your heavy eyelids were closed, and you felt too weak to open them. You don't know how long you've been sitting there, but all you knew was pain.
Finally gaining the strength to open your eyelids, you were met with a white ceiling. You glanced around wearily, a pounding headache forming.
You placed your hand on your head in an attempt to soothe the pain, and you sat up, taking in the surroundings around you.
The room was empty, besides a chair that was facing a white-brick fireplace.
You recognized Pippin's dirty-blonde locks.
"Pippin?" You croaked. He turned towards you briefly, but soon after turned back to the fireplace, his pipe increasing the amount of smoke in the room.
"Boromir is dead," he said solemnly. "I figured you didn't know yet." Pippin finally stood from the chair and approached your bed.
After standing for a moment in silence, you taking in the news of Boromir's death, Pippin exited the room without another word.
You looked down at your left arm to see it in a sling. Sighing, you threw back the covers of your bed, the small action draining your energy.
You sighed in defeat, feeling worthless, and letting yourself fall back into your pillow. You heard a whining noise from beside your bed, and looked to your right to see a black, furry figure.
"Hello Tochi," you said softly as you reached out a limp hand towards him. He nudged your hand and licked it, then tugged on your shirt sleeve lightly with his teeth and whined.
Slowly, you sat up, a pain in your abdomen. You swung your short legs off the side of the bed, wincing slightly.
Tochi stood at your side and helped you get off the bed. You used him for support to walk, and he led you out of the room.


"Gandalf," you breathed. Once you exited the room Gandalf was there, in a different room, sitting in another chair, again facing a fireplace.
Tochi led you over to him, you waddling due to the pain in your abdomen. You leaned into the couch and let go of Tochi, facing Gandalf.
"Gandalf, what happened?" You asked looking up at him.

Yeesh sorry for the short chapter ;—;

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