The Black Gate

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Sam, Frodo, Smeagol and you were all climbing a rocky hill. Smeagol had reached the top.
"The black gate... to Mordor." He said. He covered his eyes and began heaving into his hands. Frodo and Sam climbed a little ahead, but you stayed next to Smeagol.
"What's wrong?" You asked, gently rubbing his spine, which jutted out beneath his skin.
"The cruel servants hurts us..." he cried. You continued to rub the creatures back, and listened to Frodo and Sam mutter.
"Hey! I think I see a way down!" He said leaning over a large rock.
"No! Sam wait!" Frodo said, as Sam tumbled down the hill. Frodo chased after him, along with you. You both desperately tried to dig Sam out of the rocks he somehow got buried in. Tears began to form in your eyes. Sam placed a hand on your cheek, which surprised you, but you eased into it.
"Go, I'll be fine." He said. You shook your head. Frodo watched this scene, horrified. He then noticed two men walking over. He took his cloak, and pulled it over all three of you. It looked like a rock.
Eventually, you were able to dig sam out, and you hid behind a rock. Smeagol came to join you.
"Ready?" Sam said. Frodo and you nodded. But when Sam reached three, Smeagol grabbed your cloaks.
"No! They catches you! They will!"it cried. Smeagol then went on about how there was another way in.
"Mister Frodo.. no..." Sam said.
"He's led us this far..."
Frodo motioned for Smeagol to to lead, and waited for Sam to get a little ways ahead before tugging on your sleeve. You turned back to him.
"This'll be quick, I promise. I know you don't like Sam and Smeagol alone." You nodded. Frodo was trying to find words, but he couldn't. Finally he just sighed. You looked into his eyes. The pale color had a calming feeling about them.
Frodo leaned into you. You were confused at first, but then you leaned in too. Your soft lips met his. It wasn't a long kiss. Nor was it short. It was passionate, full of meaning, and love. When you two broke apart, Frodo grinned.
"I've been waiting to do that for awhile now..." he chuckled to himself. You rolled your eyes and you two quickly caught up to Sam and Smeagol. Everything right then and there, seemed perfect. You intertwined you fingers with Frodo's, and walked behind Sam.
Along the way, you and Frodo kept glancing at each other and laughing. Not laughing at anyone or anything, just laughing. To keep the mood bright. To let the wind sing, to let the birds chirp. To let this perfect moment stay perfect.
But perfect moments never stay perfect for long.

A/N - Hello my few readers! I wrote this chapter at a very depressing time in my life right now. I could loose my dad. BUT ENOUGH DEPRESSING STUFF BC YOU KISSED FRODO! If this happened too fast tell me, because I hate when I read fanfics, and you just meet the person, and your already getting smooches from them. But hey, you've known Frodo almost your entire life so HA. I know nobody probably reads these, but if you are then sorry that the chapter is short. Hope your enjoying the story so far!

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