New Allies

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The days grew long and weary. Sam and Smeagol began arguing, more than usual. Tochi had become very parched.
He spent his days dragging himself along, keeping an eye on Smeagol.
You decided to walk, to take the loads off of Tochi. It seemed to help, at least for the first few days.
One day, Tochi just collapsed. You refused to continue without him, therefore you all turned in for the rest of the day to rest.
"I'm going to try and find a watering hole," you said and stood up. Sam and Frodo protested, they didn't like you going out alone, and Tochi was too weak to walk.
"It's alright. I'll take Smeagol," you smiled and the pale creature crawled over to you.
You glanced back to see a frowning Sam watching you as you left.
You smiled in hopes of making him feel better. It worked slightly for he gave a small wave and turned back to mending the fire and Frodo.
"Yes master?"
"How have you been?" He seemed shocked by your question.
"Good master... very good." He trailed off. You decided not to press further.
Eventually you came across a watering hole.
You took the bucket you brought and scooped it full of water.
"It should last us awhile," you muttered to yourself.

You finally returned and set the bucket down by Tochi.
You sat by him and stroked his head as he gratefully lapped up the water.
Once he had had enough there was still quiet a lot of water in the bucket.
You Sam and Frodo filled your canteens with as much water as they could hold.
You all stood up once Tochi had regained his strength.
You mounted and held out your hand to Smeagol.
He reluctantly took it and hopped on board.
Tochi trotted up to Frodo and Sam. You held out both hands to them and they took it very hesitantly, for they were still both very fearful of the warg.
You smiled and pulled them up harshly, much to their surprise. They let out an incoherent sound as they landed on Tochi's soft fur.
"Hold on tight!" You exclaimed cheerfully. Tochi let out a rear and began galloping forward with full speed.

Legolas's Perspective
The remaining members of the fellowship rode through the thick forest, my senses at full awareness.
I heard a Fellbeast shriek in the distance, towards Mount Doom.
It was too far away for the company to worry about, so no need to alert them for something that won't come.
We approached a clearing and we all stopped and smiled at the short figure that stood before us on a crumbled wall.
"Welcome, my lords! To isenguard."
Normal Perspective
The few laps of water Tochi had gave him surprising strength that sustained him to carry the group for the next few days.
You were all goofing around, enjoying the space of Tochi's large back.
He'd let out the occasional grunt of fake annoyance at the groups playfulness.
You heard a low grunt. You would have ignored it but it seemed different. This grunt was not from Tochi.
You sat, dead silent. Sam and Frodo eventually caught the hint and quieted.
"SHH!" You listened carefully. Eventually came a high pitched cry and you all covered your ears in pain.
Tochi seemed to be unbothered by the cry, but he still heard it.
Looking up, you saw a fellbeast flying towards you at full speed. It began to dive and head towards you.
Tochi began running at full speed. You saw were he was heading for shelter. A hole just big enough for a warg was etched into a nearby mountain.
The fellbeast came and dived, talons outstretched.
Tochi ducked and it missed you all. Frodo and Sam fell off of Tochi as he did so.
"No!" You cried out, expecting the fellbeast to go after the ring bearer.
But it kept coming after you and Tochi.
You held on tight to his silk-like black fur and ducked low.
You let the tears stream down your face. You had no idea why the fellbeast was after you.
And then it hit you. The ring was still in your pocket.
You took it out and looked at it, the chain flying behind you.
You heard whispers in your mind but ignored them.
Taking one last look at the ring you tossed it to the side.
The fellbeast did not stop chasing you.
You looked forward again and gasped. A second fellbeast had dived and was hovering in front of you and Tochi, throwing dirt and dust into the air.
Tochi skidded to a halt. A shadow began falling over you.
You looked up and sobbed. The first fellbeast was flying down towards you.
You grabbed onto Tochi and sank down as far as you could.
You pet him, knowing it was the end.
"I love you," you managed to whisper. You scrunched your eyes closed and waited for the harsh pain of a fellbeast's jaws tearing into your flesh.
But it never came. Instead, you felt the fellbeast's talons carefully embrace you and carry you to the sky.
The other fellbeast picked up Tochi in one of its talons and took to the sky.
You let out a cry of desperation and reached around one of the fellbeast's claws towards Frodo and Sam.
"Frodo! Sam!" You cried out desperately, tears falling down your face.
You saw them stop in their tracks and reach out to you, yelling. You couldn't hear them over the flapping of the fellbeast's wings.
And then suddenly you were falling. You let out an ear-splitting scream as the ground came closer into view.
Then the feel of scales. You opened an eye and gasped.
You were on the back of a fellbeast, flying to who knows where. You looked over at the other fellbeast.
Tochi was on it's back, unconscious. You stood up on the fellbeast's back and ran over to its wings. It veered closer to the other and titled, letting you slide carefully off of its wing, next to Tochi.
You crawled over, closer to him and layed down, your throat exhausted from screaming.
He moved slightly to embrace you with his tail and you both fell asleep.

While We're Here (Frodo x Reader x Sam)[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now