Through The Days

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The last few days were uneventful. You found out your rescued warg was a male, and decided to name him Tochi. He hunted for you, carried you, guarded you, everything.
One evening, you were leaned against a tree while Tochi had his head laid in your lap. He looked at you with bored, green eyes and you sighed.
You waved your hand aimlessly as to tell him he was free to do whatever. He slowly got up, slightly wincing from his sore shoulder, and headed into the foggy forest. You watched after him, and once his tail disappeared into the fog, you trace your finger in the dirt bored, thinking what you could do. Suddenly, you heard a twig snap.
Immediately, you stood up and withdrew your dagger.
The thing that stood before you caused you to drop your weapon and your jaw.
"Y/n!" Said a voice. You looked up to see Pippin and Merry, both stood on a shoulder of an incredible, giant, moving and talking... tree?
"What is that?" You said frightened. The cousins looked at each other, and then back down at you.
"An ent of course!" Merry exclaimed. Suddenly both of their faces froze as they looked slightly behind you.
"Y/n don't move..." Pippin said quietly. Hearing a low growl behind you, you turned around and did a small skip in joy. You rushed up to Tochi and mounted him, again using the loose rope around his neck, and pulled a smirk as the cousins gaped at you.
You smirked and explained how you found him wounded in the forest and, you being the animal lover you were, couldn't leave him there to die alone.
The cousins just shook their head in disbelief, and the ent simply plucked you from Tochi, and rested you on its shoulder next to Merry.
"Hey!" You protested. The ent ignored you protests and continued to walk forward. The black warg whined and howled, but you whistled, telling him to just follow along. Tochi followed you for hours, not taking his sad look off of you. Eventually, you came across a clearing, with many other ents there. 
You made a slight whistling noise, and to which he responded by hiding himself by clawing his way up a thick tree, seeing as how the bushes were too small for him to hide in.

"So. The runt was taken care of?" Sauraman asked. The orc before him nodded and stood next to him, looking out on the work field of the orc army.
"Shame we had to put him down. He seemed fiery." The orc simply nodded. Below, a wrestling pack of wargs stopped, and just sat there, their heads lowered. For they have lost their brother. Not all wargs are heartless war machines.

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