Sam Ending

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   "Do you, Samwise Gamgee, take Y/n L/n, to be your lawfully wedded wife?" You watched Sam happily as he nodded his head quickly.

   "I do."

   "You may now kiss the bride."


   Sam stood with you, his hand around your waist, bidding the guests of the wedding farewell. Once the last of them left, he immediately scooped you up bridal style. A giggle escaped your lips as he began carrying you to the hobbit hole you both shared. It wasn't far, so the walk only took about five minutes.

   Once inside, he placed a kiss to your forehead and he set you down on the couch. You grabbed his tie and pulled him down to your face, stealing another kiss.


   "Samwise junior! Get over here!" You cried desperately, chasing after your son throughout the house. You watched with your hand on your hip as your son jumped into your husbands arms.

   "Hahah very funny," you said sarcastically, letting out a small laugh. You approached Sam and your son and placed a delicate kiss to his lips. You took your son into your own arms, him giggling. He poked the small bump on your stomach and giggled. You let out a laugh and ushered him to go play.

   "Look at us, building our own little family," Sam said with a smile. You nodded and allowed your husband to pull you close and place a soft kiss to your head.

While We're Here (Frodo x Reader x Sam)[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now