Long Times Coming

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By the time you'd woke, Gondor was already in sight. Baron landed a few moments later, previous events coming to your mind, and you leapt to your feet and began sprinting inside the hall. The lord of the white city turned his head up slowly, as if daring you to speak.

"My lord, Sauron is sending forth all legions. He will not stop until the city is taken! You must-" your line of speech was cut off by the door opening. You whipped around to see Foramir, coming in with news. As you suspected, he informed the lord about the attacks. As you did not expect, the Lord dismissed his son with hurtful words, stating how he wished that Boromir had lived instead of Foramir.
Foramir had left quickly, gathering his men.

   You gave him one last look of disgust as you chased after Foramir. You grabbed ahold of his cloak, and he turned around abruptly to see your short frame standing before him.

   "I never got to thank you.. for letting me go," you sighed. It was months ago, but Foramir finally remembered you. He knelt down to meet your eyes, a soft yet sad smile spreading across his face.

   "You'll do great things, young hobbit. Keep your soul pure and your heart ever so," he stated, standing up. You gave Foramir a sad look as he continued onwards, gathering his men for a battle of bloodshed.


You didn't have time to waste. Your role in this war was much of traveling back and forth, exchanging both false and true information. The attack was coming, and you watched sadly from a higher post as the men on their horse rode on the path of the town, villagers gathering sadly. You watched helplessly as Gandalf tried to reason with Foramir, but it was no use. They made it to the field, you curious of their fate. They picked up the pace and headed towards the orc army, not knowing how it would end. The echoing voice of Pip came from the hall, filling your ears with sadness as you desperately prayed for the warriors, leaning over the edge, your eyes full of fear.

The orc army released their fire of arrows on the men. It took every imaginable strength to be able to hold back your cry of despair. You turned on your heel and ran out the back way, finding yourself in an alleyway. You didn't notice Gandalf sitting there until he grabbed your arm as you ran past.

You gave Gandalf one look before he released your arm, and you continued to sprint towards the abandoned buildings your fellbeasts rested within. You mounted Rygor, signaling for Baron to stay. Baron let out a tired groan and turned his head the other way, shifting his wings. Rygor took a running start out of the building and took to the air. He flew up slightly and landed on the wall to the city, raising his head and letting out an ear piercing screech that everyone had become far too familiar with. That's when you spotted the horse.

The chestnut horse was dragging something.. attaches to its stirrup. That something, was a someone. And that someone, was Foramir. You watched in horror as they opened the gates slightly, allowed Foramir to be dragged in, and closed them. You squinted your eyes as you gazed at the orcs on the other side of the field. You ducked as something came flying towards you. From upon Rygor, you turned to see what they had thrown. Your tears and gag both caught in your mind, as you saw the heads of the falling soldiers. You leaned forward and clung to Rygor's neck and hid your face, desperate to get away from the head flying frenzy.

But heads turned to stones. Hearing a roar from behind you, you turned to see Baron desperately fluttering about, trying to catch the flying stones, and trying to avoid the ones being flown at the orcs. You watched as he caught one stone within his talons and dropped it off at one of the catapult sites for the city. Turning your head back to the field, you watched as the orcs could do nothing against the stones flying at them.

Stones and parts of the city continued to fly back and forth as you desperately tried to figure out what to do. A questioning grunt came from Rygor, which you soon hushed, as you brought your hands to your hair and tugged at it slightly, trying to come up with an idea of what to do. And that's when the nazgul came.

Their cries sounded from above, and you looked up. The dragon type creatures soon stunned their enemies with their cries, and Rygor and Baron came to a stand still, confused as what to do. An idea came into your mind, as you pulled up your hood to mask your identity, and pulled Rygor into action. At the sight of soldiers falling to their deaths, having been thrown from the gallons of a fellbeast, you motioned towards them with your hand, and then flicked your hands toward the river. Baron understood the message and grabbed the men from the air, swooping at an angle towards the river, and tossing them in. The river was slightly hidden from the city, so anyone else would thing that it was just a fellbeast, without a rider, carrying out the Dark Lord's wishes. Rygor seemed to understand what to do, as he copied the actions and began tossing soldiers aside, aiming for the river. You heard shouting from Gandalf, and turned to see orc towers storming the city. But, you also saw Pip standing there confusedly, in the way.

"Pip!" You cried out. Rygor snorted and dove towards Pip, grabbing him within his talons, and flying upwards. His terrified yelps filled the air as Rygor tossed him upwards, and then flew underneath his falling body. He caught Pip on his back, and Pip let out another scream as you turned to face him.

"Pip! It's me," you said, trying to calm him down. You pulled back your hood, and Pip instantly let out a sigh of relief.

"What do we do?" He questioned, gazing sadly at the field. Night had fallen, and the orcs had breached the city wall.

"We? We aren't going to do anything," you muttered, ignoring the look you received from Pip. "You have no fighting experience, and no beast to command."

Pip remained silent as you landed Rygor, and set Pip down. He slid off of the beasts back silently, and watched sadly as you took once again to the skies.

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