Frodo Ending

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   You sat, with your legs dangling off of the hillside. You gazed down at your small empire of creatures. The war had been won, and Sauron was no more. Tochi, his face gray with old age, sauntered over and lay next to you, a few whines escaping his throat.

   "I know.. it's time."


   You slipped off of the ship, onto an island. You instantly felt at peace. You heard Gimbly and Legolas dismount the ship behind you. Letting out a long awaited sigh, you took in the surroundings of the area. It was beautiful, and so very peaceful. Elves played their harps, and their games. Others stood near a fire, conversing with one another.

   "Y/n?" Came a soft voice behind you. You turned to see a hobbit you've known for a very long time. A smile danced on your face as you approached Frodo. He smiled at you in return. You both stood about a foot apart.

   "I didn't think I'd ever see you again," he whispered, his smile never fading. He reached and tucked a loose strand of your hair behind your ear. His hand trailed down your shoulder and arm, coming to reach your hand. He took another step closer and entangled his fingers with yours. He hesitantly leaned forward and placed his lips delicately onto yours. He pulled his face away, trying to read your expression. You smiled at him, and you both leaned in again to share another kiss.

While We're Here (Frodo x Reader x Sam)[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now