Meeting Again

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You woke up, a searing pain in your forehead.
"What..?" You asked yourself as you sat up. Sam and Frodo were there. You were confused, but the confusion turned into happiness when you heard someone call out to you.
"Master!" You saw a pale creature come bounding up to you.
"Smeagol!" You called in response, holding out your arms. Smeagol flung himself into them and gave you a bone-crushing hug.
"Listen, y/n..." Frodo began.
"No," you cut him off. "I don't want to talk about it." Both Sam and Frodo nodded their heads in understanding.
"So I met up with Pip n Merry," you stated as the four of you began to walk through the woods.
"Really? Were they well?" Frodo asked. You nodded your head and continued to walk with your two best friends since childhood, an the creature you had befriended. Speaking of creatures, more thoughts began to flood in your mind. Tochi.
"Where's Tochi?" You asked, panic stricken.
"Tochi?" Sam questioned.
"The warg I saved.. smaller than others but still large.. where is he?" You asked again.
"You gave that thing a name?" Sam and Frodo questioned at the same time. You stomped your foot.
"He is not a thing! He has emotions just like you and I. When I saved him in the woods he gave me the most great-full look I'd ever seen! I tried to set him free, but he just kept coming back. He protected me, hunted for me, everything. And yet you have the decency to talk about him as if he asked for a life as a warg."
When you were finally finished with your rant, Sam and Frodo opened their mouths to speak, but nothing came out, so you continued.
"I'm sick and tired of you two boneheads criticizing things that you don't even understand. I'm done. Smeagol come."
You whipped around and began storming off, and heard the feet of someone running behind you, as well as the patter of Smeagol's feet following you.
"Y/n!" Frodo. You felt a hand grab your wrist and turn you around to face them.
"Let me go!" You cried out.
"Listen to me!" He suddenly snapped. You looked into his crystal blue eyes.
"You don't think I know we're boneheaded? And stupid? You have every right to choose neither of us! But just know that we love you. Even though we might not understand everything you go through, we still love you! And that can't change. We won't let you walk out of our life again." He said.
You stood in shock. You grabbed the collar of his shirt in frustration and began sobbing.
You buried your face into his shirt as he played with your hair in a calming way.
Eventually, after just standing there for awhile, he titled your chin up and wiped away the tears.
He began to lean in slowly. You closed your eyes and waited for his lips on your own.
As they finally met, it was unlike any other kiss you had received.
Full of passion, sadness, love, and every emotion you were both feeling at the moment.
When you two finally broke apart, you stayed there, in his arms, feeling a comforting sense of security over come you.

While We're Here (Frodo x Reader x Sam)[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now