The Adventure

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Frodo finished packing his things in his bag. You sighed sadly and threw on your backpack. Wether he liked it or not, you were coming with him. So, you, sam, and Frodo began walking away from the shire.

You and Frodo and Sam were now wandering among a corn field. Until suddenly, Frodo was gone.
"Mister Frodo?"
"FRODO?!" Frodo came rushing out from behind a stalk.
"What is it?" He asked. Sam looked down.
"Something that Gandalf said."
"What did he say?"
"Dot you loose him Samwise Gamgee, I don't mean to."
"Oh Sam, we're still in the Shire. What could possibly happen?" And not five seconds after those words had left Frodo's mouth,  all of you were barreled over by Pip and Merry.
"Frodo?" Pip said excitedly. You then heard the yelling of Farmer Maggot and the barking of his dog.
"You've been into Farmer Maggots crops again!" Sam yelled.
"Yes, and he's clearly overreacting. Cmon let's go!" Merry said, ushering you out of the fields.
But you skidded to a halt when you came to a steep hill.
Unfortunately, a certain hobbit wasn't paying attention, and knocked you all off the hill and to the bottom.
"Oh, I think I've broken something," Merry complained. He reached out from under him and pulled out a broken carrot.
This caused you to giggle. Sam began accusing Merry and Pippin.
"Never trust a Took and a Brandybuck!" He exclaimed.
"Wait just a minute Sam it's just harmless fun!"
"I think we should get off the rode,"
"You might wanna listen to the little lady there Samwise."
"Little lady!?"
"Get off the road! Now!" you all snapped your attention to Frodo.
He rushed and dived off of the road, hiding underneath a tree root.
The four of you follow in suit.
You heard the clamor of hooves, and a cold darkness came over you.
A hooded rider among a black horse came over close to the roots.
The rider dismounted and seemed to be waiting.. for a sign.
You glanced at Frodo. He was about to put the ring on. You silently reached over and pushed his hand down, and he looked at you with thanks.
Merry took his bag and threw it far, causing the rider to get up and rush towards the noise.
"What's going on?" he demanded.
"We can't answer questions, we need to get to the Prancing Pony."
Merry nodded and led you all away from the woods towards a dock, with a raft.
Unfortunately by now the rider had caught up with you, and four others were now after you as well.
"RUN!" you screeched. You all began sprinting as fast as your short Hobbit legs could carry you.
You were the last one to the you raft. It had began moving.
"Y/n! JUMP!" They cried out. You took a leap of faith and barely landed on the raft.

After a few hours of being on the raft, you approached a large wall. Frodo knocked on the door.
The man at the other side had to open a few doors to get down to your height. 
"Hobbits? And so far from the Shire. What is your business here?"
"We need to meet someone at the Prancing Pony, our business is our own."
"Alright alright, I'm sorry. Didn't mean anything by it," the man opened the gate and you all entered.
By now it had begun to downpour, and you all finally found the inn.
You entered and Frodo began conversing with the bartender.
You weren't listening, rather fooling around with Pippin and Merry, laughing as Sam tried to quiet you all down.
"I've not seen him for six months," you all turned your attention to him.
Frodo looked back at you with worry. You all decided to get a table and sit down, and wait for Gandalf.
Merry left and came back shortly with a mug overflowing.
"What's that?" Pippin asked.
"This my friend, is a pint."
"It comes in pints?" Pippin asked. You slammed your hand on the table.
"I'm getting one,"
"Me too!" You and Pippin approached the counter, ignoring Sam's disregards.
"You've both had a whole half already!"

You and Pippin were talking and conversing with some of the other people at the bar, when the conversation somehow turned to family.
"Oh yes that's my cousin Frodo Baggins over there."
"Pippin!" You whispered from gritted teeth. He ignored you.
"Once removed on my mothers-" you slapped him. He looked at you and realized what you were trying to say.
"Uhm," he smiled at the people and they glared at you.
Frodo came rushing over and tugged on Pippin's shoulder.
"Oi geroff!" He said, shoving Frodo away not know who it was.
Frodo was knocked over, and you watched in horror as the ring fell towards him.
Life seemed to be moving in slow motion as Frodo reached up his finger, and the ring slid down upon it.
He disappeared and everyone gasped.
The four of you hobbits looked among each other nervously.
Frodo reappeared and before any of you could approach him, he was dragged way up the stairs by the strange man that had been sitting in a corner.
"Frodo!" You called out. Sam grabbed a knife, Merry a candle, and Pippin a chair. You grabbed a large stick on your way up.
Sam barged open the door.
"Release him for have you some sense!" He cried out. You suddenly couldn't stop yourself from laughing, realizing how stupid you all must look.
The man put away his withdrawn sword and gave a quick smile.
"You have a stout heart for a hobbit. But that will not save you. You can no longer wait for a wizard Frodo. They're coming."
The man (whose name you learned was Strider) led you out of the Prancing Pony and into another in across the road.

While We're Here (Frodo x Reader x Sam)[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now