The Arrival

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"Y/n, wake up, we're here," you moaned in displeasure at being woken up, but flitted your eyes open regardless.
You were met with Pippin's smiling face and you smiled.
"Mornin' Mr. Took," you yawned and sat up, the events from the previous day flooding back to you.
You patted Rygor. Pippin laughed.
"Mr. Took? Now that's definitely new," you smiled and rubbed your eyes. Gondor was just ahead of you. A beautiful white city made of stone and marble.
Below you, you could see a white dot moving towards the city. It must be Gandalf.
You took ahold of the reins.
"Hang on tight!" you chuckled. You looked back at Pippin who was giving you a nervous look.
You smiled at him and flicked the reins. Rygor let out a roar and dove head-first down to the city.
Pippin let out a cry of terror and grabbed onto you from behind.
While you were letting out hoots and hollers of enjoyment, Pippin was holding onto you for dear life and letting out screams.
Rygor finally landed on a large stone dock in front of the palace.
Gandalf soon came up from the stairs and approached you both.
Pippin lept off of Rygor, and barely landed on his feet.
"Catch me!" You said jokingly. You faced your back towards him and began falling back.
"Y/n, no wait-" but you'd already begun falling.
Rygor turned his head around and caught you carefully on his head.
He set you down on the ground and made a low clicking noise.
You smiled at Pippin who was looking around nervously. You turned to Rygor.
"Wait here," you whispered to him. He perched himself and became as still as stone,  while the three of you began walking to the gate.
"Gandalf... Gandalf! It's the tree."
"Yes Pippin. The tree of kings. But Denathor is not Gondor's king." Gandalf replied. You approached the gate.
"Denathor will be grieved to hear about his son's death. Boromir was dear to him. Actually... it's better if you don't say anything at all."
Without another word Gandalf entered the hall, you and Pippin trailing behind.
Before you sat an aged man, draped in black robes.
A/N: Sorry about the short chapter! I was in a rush to get this done, and it's not edited yet. But thank you so much for 1.18k reads!

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