A Torn Bond

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As you, Merry, and Pippin walked down the path towards the stables, you found it hard to ignore the gasps and cries of the people of Rohan as they witnessed the fellbeasts following you, along with Tochi.
"Out of all the inquisitive hobbits, Peregrine Took, you are the worst!" Gandalf exclaimed as he led the way. "Keep up!"
You broke into a jog, while Merry and Pippin began whisper-arguing as they trailed behind.
You were about to enter the stables when you heard part of Merry and Pippin's conversation.
"I'm sorry alright? I won't do it again!"
"Don't you understand? The enemy thinks you have the ring! They have to get you out of here! He's going to be looking for you, Pip."
"And your coming with me?"
Merry didn't respond. He shoved past you and entered the stables.
"Merry," you whispered hoarsely. He stopped, glanced at you, and continued walking.
Pippin entered shortly after, sadly.
"Hey, Pip," you said softly. He turned to you.
"Would you rather ride with me and Rygor?" you questioned. His face lightened at the though of flying and he nodded.
Happy that you were able to cheer him up, you approached Gandalf.
"Is it okay if Pippin rides with me?" You questioned, looking at the ground. He chuckled.
"Go ahead," he smiled down at you and placed a hand on your head.
"Pippin may be the worst of inquisitive hobbits, but you m'lady, are the best of brave hobbits," he removed his hand from your head. You smiled and he took off with Shadowfax.
"Alrigh' Pippin, lets go." Pippin smiled as he followed you out of the stable.
But unfortunately you weren't greeted with a happy sight.
The village people were throwing ropes over your fellbeasts necks and poking them with sticks.
"HEY!" you cried in outrage. Everyone stopped and turned to you.
You ran up to your large creatures and began untying their ropes.
You shooed everyone away and approached Rygor.
Tochi lept onto Baron's back.
Rygor helped you onto his back and once you were seated, you helped Pippin up.
He sat behind you and felt Rygor's scales with envy.
"Why do you always get to have the fun?" he mocked.
"Hold on," you muttered. You grabbed your bag off your back and opened it, looking for something.
You pulled out lamose bread and sighed, the realization of how much you missed Frodo and Sam hitting you.
Pippin placed a comforting hand on your shoulder.
"How far is Gondor anyways?" He asked.
"Three days fly. We better hope we don't have any Wraiths on our tail.
"Ahem," you looked down to see Merry standing next to Rygor, looking at Pippin.
"This is for Pippin," he handed you a square, red, leather pouch. You looked back at Pippin and handed him the pouch.
"And this is for you," Merry reached up and handed you folded fabric.
"Something for the road," Merry said.
"The last of the pipe-weed," Pippin muttered. Merry turned towards Pippin.
"I know you've run out, you smoke too much Pip."
"But, we'll see each-other soon." Merry looked to you with a sad look, and you returned it, tears threatening to spill.
"Won't we?" Pippin pressed, trying to get an answer out of Merry.
"I don't know what's going to happen," Merry's voice was barely more than a whisper. He began backing away.
"Merry?" Pippin whispered.
Tears were now falling freely.
"Come Rygor," you said. You snapped the reins and he began flapping his wings. As Rygor was trying to gain height, Pippin let out one last cry.
Merry watched as you both reached a good flight-height, and Rygor began flying South.
You cast a final look behind you to see Merry shoving his way up a tower, desperate to get a last look at you two fly away.
Your gaze saddened slightly as you saw Aragorn rush after him and watch with Merry.
You turned your gaze forward and thought about the Shire.
The rolling hills, the trickling streams, it seemed like a different world.
You dropped the reins and lay back in Pippin's lap.
"Don't you have to steer?"
"No, he knows where he's going."
You let out an exhausted yawn following your sentence. Pippin looked down and noticed the dark circles under your eyes.
He stroked your cheek gently.
"Get some rest," he whispered. He planted another careful kiss on your forehead and took ahold of the reins just in case.
Shortly after you fell asleep, dreaming about the Shire, and then it hit you.
How were you ever going to choose between Sam and Frodo?

A/N: Hello! I've been on a rampage today, three chapters in one, maybe two hours. There might be even more today. And don't freak out, Pippin nor Merry is a love interest, at least in this book ;3. Merry and Pippin grew up with you and they're like your brothers. When they plant the kiss on your forehead, it's like the kiss Frodo gives Sam before sailing to the undying lands at the end of the movie.

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