An Underlaying Allegiance

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   "The strength of Hobbits never seize to amaze me," Aragorn said with a sigh. You offered him a nervous smile as you reached down and patted Tochi. Your legs still felt too sore to walk.
   "Sam and Frodo are close to Mordor... they should be arriving any day now," you said weakly. Approving nods filled the room.


    "You've done well, my pet," Sauron whispered. It sent shivers down your spine, but you kept a straight face and a tight hold on Rygor's reins, Baron perched close behind on the crumbling stone. The two of you currently sat on the previous battle ground, a group of men having run from the sight, defeated by the army. You've noticed your skin becoming more pale, and with every command you've carried out for the witch king, you've found yourself more absorbed in his craft, the way he was able to make hundreds follow him, with alone the sheer amount of his power. If it hadn't been for everyone you loved and held dear to you, no matter how much you hated to admit it, you would've joined Sauron's ranks by now, becoming a powerful member and rising to the top easily, having a go at running the world with one of the most powerful beings.

   Sauron's fellbeast stood eerily still, the only movement being its rising breath and the wind that tugged at its thin, but strong, wings. The silence was soon broken by a deformed looking orc, supposedly coming with information. The orc did not speak however, and instead waited for instructions silently.

   "Send fourth all legions... don't stop the attacks until the city is taken," Sauron's twisted and quiet speech, that somehow found its way into any ears of any soul it desired to, again sent shivers down your spine. Baron seemed to notice this, as out of the corner of your eye, you could see him shift nervously. Rygor remained still, having always been more comfortable in the presence of the witch king.

   "What of the wizard?" The orc questioned after a few moments of silence. You could only assume he meant Gandalf. You couldn't help but slightly break your intimidating and professional stance to look slightly at Sauron, curios of his answer.

   "I will break him.." Sauron replied simply, his words drawing out to make everything ever so terrifying. The orc stood for a few more moments before turning away and soon disappearing from sight.

   "And what of me, my lord?" You asked quietly, and hoarsely. The dry and stagnant air stung your throat. Baron came up to stand next to Rygor, waiting intently for directions.

   "You'll know in good time..." he replied, sweetly if it was possible to come from such a being. "Keep your work flowing smoothly, and all will come." His words sunk into your skin, calming you slightly. You felt a new energy flowing through you, ever so slightly. You looked up at the darkening sky for a brief moment, before flicking Rygor's reins, sending him forth with a surge of speed, Baron following close behind.

   You tugged Rygor into the direction of Gondor, nervousness settling in. You knew you'd have to pick a side, and decide where your loyalties lay. Your decision could lead to the betrayal of many. However, knowing no matter what happened, near-death experiences at the least were inevitable, and if not, death was sure to come.

   You slowly signaled for Rygor to land, and a large thud behind you told you that Baron had done the same. You threw yourself off of Rygor's back, and your legs still feeling weak from the incident yesterday, they buckled beneath you. You let out a small groan of pain as you felt yourself coming closer to the ground, but Rygor had placed his head just near you, as something for you to grab onto. He stopped your fall, and you slowly brought yourself back up. Rygor let out a satisfied snort and turned away his long neck, settling down for a moment.

   Frustrated with not being able to clear your mind from the inevitable, you let out a loud cry of rage and began speed walking to the nearest rock, which was a few meters away. As you approached it, you removed the sword from the holder, the rather long, thin, sharp, silver metal glinted in the few rays of sun that peeked from behind the dark clouds. With another cry of annoyance, you began swinging your sword at the rock, dents and marks appearing along the edges of the stone, along with a few scratches.

   You brought the sword far behind you and brought it forth strongly towards the middle of the rock. Using all your might for a strong, final blow, you brought the sword down on the rock, your eyes closing to shield them from the debris. Upon opening them, you were shocked at the sight before  you.

   The rock had been split clean in half, and your hands were emitting a cream-colored glow that ran down the sword. Rather shocked, you dropped the sword and stepped back, the glow disappearing. You broke down in sudden sobs, slowly crumbling to the floor.

   Feeling two large presences, Baron and Rygor had obviously come to see the issue. They curled themselves around your body, and you didn't oblige when Baron gripped the collar of your shirt gently between his teeth, and set you on his back. You felt.. tired. So you simply leaned back in the saddle, allowing Barron's wings to act as a border that would prevent you from falling. The two fellbeasts took to the sky, leaving you tiredly laying and gazing at the dark clouds, soon drifting into a dark sleep.

Why.. hello there. Yes yes, it's been awhile don't kill me haha. I've been.. sooo busy though so I'm sorry ;-; any who hope you enjoyed and I'll see you in the next chapter! I definitely want to finish up this fic soon, I've been working on it for awhile and it was the first one I started!

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