The Second Kiss

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Frodo was resting against a tree. Smeagol came running up with two dead rabbits. It dropped one on top of Frodo's lap.
"Look! See what Smeagol finds?" He started dancing and laughing. You simply smiled at the creature and continued to build whatever you were building out of sticks.
"Go ahead masters! Eat!" He exclaimed. He came over to you and broke the rabbits spine. You flinched a bit, seeing as how you loved animals. He tore off meat and was about to bite into it when Sam got up angrily and stole it from Frodo and Smeagol.
"You'll make him sick you will!" He then began to cut up the rabbit with a knife, and broil it with herbs.
     "Aaaaagggrrhhhhheehhhhhsss" Smeagol whined.
     "What's it doing? Stupid fat hobbit! He ruins it!" It cried. Sam glared at him.
     "What's to ruin? There's hardly any meat on em. What we need are a few good taters..."
    "What's a taters precious?"
    "Po-ta-toes. Boil em mash em, stick em in a stew. Lovely big golden chips with a nice piece of fried fish. Even you couldn't say no to that." Sam retorted.
     "Oh yes we could! Ruin nice fish. Give it to us raw... and ravishing. Keep your stupid chips." Smeagol spat. Sam rolled his eyes. You walked up to Sam, and pouted. He glanced at you apologetically and you plopped yourself into his lap. He then held you princess style. You wrapped your arms around his neck and stuck your tongue out at him. He did the same to you and crossed his eyes. You laughed, and so did he. Suddenly, you two were frozen. A solemn look suddenly came across both of your faces. The wind slightly tugged at your hair and clothes.
    "Y/n, don't hate me..."
     "Sam, why would I hate-" you were cut off. Sam had placed his lips against yours. Your eyes widened in shock at first, but they soon closed, and you were obsorbed into the kiss. It was passionate. You deepened the kiss, stood up, and wrapped your arms around his neck. His hands fell to your waist and you felt him smile into the kiss. His tongue ran eagerly across your lip, begging for entry. You allowed it, and let his tongue explore your mouth. The kiss deepened into a very small make-out session. Finally, you two pulled apart.
    "Sam..." you whispered as drool fell from your lip. His kisses your forehead sweetly and pulled you into a hug and ran his fingers through your hair.
    "Y/n, I've had these feelings for so long... but I never got the chance to tell you and-" he was cut off by another voice.
    "Well. Did all of it mean nothing?" You looked over Sam's shoulder to see Frodo standing there, Smeagol by his side. Smeagol averted his gaze from you and whimpered. He had run to get Frodo.
   "Frodo..." you whimpered. He shook his head. You let the tears fall from your eyes. You grabbed everything, and ran into the woods.
    "Master wait!" Smeagol called. You didn't care. You didn't want to be near them right now. You just wanted to run. Then you ran into somebody. You fell over, but before you could look up, a blindfold covered your eyes. You whimpered again.
  "Sir?" Came a male voice. It was a voice you did not recognize.
    "Why she cries I do not know. Maybe she is being hunted. Bound her hands." A second voice commanded. You flinched as a rope twisted around your wrists, and you were carried away over someone's shoulder.

While We're Here (Frodo x Reader x Sam)[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now