Old Friends New Aquintances

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"Mr. Frodo, go. Use the ring just this once." Sam told me. I shook my head. Y/n would at least be with us if I hadn't scared her off... now I don't know what to do.
"I miss her sam.." I sighed. Sam looked at me with sad eyes and nodded his head.
"I do too."

After the ent's meeting and they all left from the clearing, you immediately ran to the tree Tochi had climbed up and struggled to climb the tree.
After a few minutes of struggling with your short legs, you felt a weight on the collar of your cloak, and felt yourself being lowered from the tree.
Tochi set you down gently once you reached the ground, you quickly took his head into your hands and began caressing his soft neck, whispering into his ear.
Taking ahold the rope, you swung yourself onto Tochi's back and approached the ent that Pip and Merry were perched on.
"We will not be joining you. The wars of men continue, the the wars of nature will not." Sadly you all nodded your small hobbit heads, and you trailed behind the ent on Tochi.
Pip and Merry began muttering from atop the ent. With a questioning look up at Pip, you stopped Tochi.
"Take us South (A/N idk if that's the direct thing he said but I'm on the bus heading to school so I can't exactly watch the movie lol, also save me I have a half an hour bus ride with the most annoying person on planet earth.)
"South?" Asked the ent. You gave Merry a questioning look. He winked down at you.
"Merry we'll get caught!" You heard Pippin whisper.
"Not this time.." Merry said ominously.

Finally you reached your "destination". You gasped as you saw Saruman's army. Miles of cleared forest and orc spawners were below.
Tochi began to whine and back up from the edge. You leaned down and whispered into his ear while caressing his neck calmingly. His whining stopped, but he still remained a nervous wreck.
"Many of these trees were my friends..." the ent whispered, he sounded as though he was about to cry.
"They all had voices of their own..."
You dismounted Tochi and walked towards the edge. Hearing more whining you turned around to see a large, injured eagle, brown in feathers, with white details. Two of its talons combined were the size of a full grown warg.
"Oh... Gandalf was here." You sighed as you knelt beside the eagle. You looked up at Pip and Merry and they gazed back at you.
The ent let out a loud roar, something you didn't think a thing like that could conjure.
Your eyes widened in shock as many ents streamed out from the woods and they began attacking the tower.
You felt a fierce pain grip your sides as you saw Saruman flee into the woods gripping a black glass ball.
"Ugghh..." you suddenly felt very sick.
"Y/n!" You heard Pip and Merry shout as you fell to the floor. Tochi came bounding over in concern. You felt foam begin to bubble at your mouth at you went unconscious. But you could still hear someone speaking.
"Not safe for much longer are we now? We'll have to tread on thin ice from now on! Hehehe. Until we meet again! Ta ta!"
The only thing you heard was your breathing slowly, and the only thing you felt was your right hand being cupped by Pip's hand, and your left hand being cupped by Merry's.
A/n: Hello my lovelies! It's been awhile :3 but that's because I'm currently also working on (or trying to) Harry Potter one shots, and a kili x reader. So I'm sorry to say this book isn't my only main focus anymore. But it's still one of my main focuses. And for those of you who might be like: Omg dis be a Sam X Reader X Frodo where Sam and Frodo at? I though I'd spice things up slightly. Also do you want me to save the eagle or nah? Ok I got Tochi and having a giant eagle night b to op. Or do you want me to save it and have it go back to Gandalf? Or do you just want it do die? Idek you tell me Children. Mm bye. (Love how my autocorrect automatically uppercases Children now :3)

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