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Many creatures ranging from the Nazgul's dragons to giant eagles, to runaway wargs and other creatures.
You looked around in awe as Tochi ran around happily, greeting the creatures.
A few of the smaller ones came up, ran around your legs, and fled into the bushes. Tochi came bounding over and sat next to you.
You took a knee next to him and took his head into your hands.
"I cannot stay here," you whispered. "My duty lay with the hobbits." You smiled and Tochi and he whined.
You set your weapons on the floor and stood up, your hand not leaving Tochi's soft fur.
"Are you coming?" You said with a sad smile. Tochi stood up and nuzzled you. He grabbed your belt and set it back in your hand, a determined blaze in his eyes.
He howled loudly and a few creatures crawled out of their dens and bushes. They came around and circled you and Tochi.
You smiled as you tightened your belt around your waist.
Tochi knelt down as you mounted and when he stood up he let out another howl. The creatures followed in suit, making their own noises, varying from clicks and squeaks to grunts and growls.
You smiled at your new founded army.
You then heard a rustle in the bush behind you.
Tochi whipped around, and you saw a small pale creature crawl into the clearing.
"M-master?" It cried. A smile came across your face at you flung yourself off of Tochi and embraced Smeagol into a hug.
"Come Smeagol," you said to it. You took Smeagol's hand and led him over to Tochi. Tochi let out a low growl which caused Smeagol to cower behind you.
You glared at Tochi who whined and got down again, allowing you and Smeagol to mount.
You trusted Tochi to take you to Frodo and Sam. You patted his shoulder and he began walking off, the creatures who joined you taking to the skies and trees or burrowing their way underground.
Tochi broke into a gallop and Smeagol let out a yelp of surprise and you laughed and encouraged him to go faster.
Tochi surged forward with incredible speed for a long while until he slowed into a fast trot.
So guys! It's been awhile. Just caught up on the third movie and I has giddy. It's official, Pippin is my favorite now. Ahhh who am I kidding I love all the hobbits. Their just a bag of kawaii potatos :3

While We're Here (Frodo x Reader x Sam)[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now