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You woke up to Frodo screaming. "GANDALF!!!" You looked worriedly at him.
      "Mister Frodo? What is it?" Asked Sam.
        "Nothing, it was just a dream." He stated.

You stayed a little ways ahead while you walked. As Frodo and Sam sat down, you crawled to higher ground, to keep a look out. You examined your sword while Frodo and Sam discussed food. A few chuckles were passed around.
       "Those rain clouds might," you hear from sam as you made your way back down to them. Frodo gave you a quick glance and stood up.
      "Ill lead now," he stated. You nodded your head and stayed a little behind the two, not wanting to get in the way. You suddenly heard something, and apparently Frodo and Sam smelt something...

   You couldn't sleep, so you decided to keep watch. You suddenly saw a pale-looking creature crawling down to Sam and Frodo, mumbling about a precious and thieves. You screeched to wake them up.
      "What the hell y/n?" Asked Sam. He then looked up and saw the creature, and all three of you struggled with it. The creature threw you aside hard on a rock, and you passed out, your sword cutting your hand.

   You slowly opened your eyes to murmuring.
    "SHHH! She's waking up," said Frodo.
     "Frodo.. Sam?" You said, sitting up. They nodded at you. You glanced at the rope sam was holding and trailed your eyes up to were it lead. The rope was tied around the creature from earlier. It was like a leash.

    Gollum was a crying outrage. The cries echoed out of the mountain peaks, thing like: "It burns us!" And "It freezes us!" it was extremely annoying. Sam was fed up with it.
     "This is useless! Every orc in Mordor is going to hear this racket! Let's just tie him up and leave him!"
     "No!" You and Gollum shouted at the same time. A few quick glances went around.
     "That would kill ussss! Kill us!" It cried.
      "Nothing more than you deserve!" Sam shouted in reply. You approached Frodo.
      "Maybe it does deserve to die.." Frodo muttered. You shook your head at Frodo, and went to Gollum. You reluctantly placed your hand on its cold and scabbed head and rubbed it softly. You muttered some soothing words into its ear and it looking at you with its bulging blue eyes.
    "We likes this one precious. The pretty one." Frodo and sam stopped muttering and turned to you. Gollum suddenly sat up straight.
    "We be nice to them if thems be nice to us.." it said. "Take it off uss." It held out the rope, begging. You looked at Frodo, he returned your gaze.
    "Y/n, we cannot trust it," he said. You shook your head.
     "Frodo, its in pain. Please, I'll take the rope if I must! Sam is too rough, he is like that with every creature!" Frodo looked at the creature.

      "We promise to serve the master of the precious.." it bowed its head.
     "I don't believe you!" Sam shouted and kicked Gollum. It tried running up the rocks but Sam shouted again and yanked it back down.
    "Sam no!" You cried and tackled him. You snatched the rope out of his hand, and went up to Gollum, wrapping him in your cloak. You glared at Sam.
    "He's trying to trick us!" Sam cried.
     "Your not listening Gollum. Don't listen to him.." you tried soothing the creature. It was about to break down into tears.
     "We let him go an then he'll kill us in our sleep!" Sam continued. Frodo approached you and Gollum. You stood up, and Gollum clung to your leg like his life depended on it. In this situation, it probably did.
    "You know the way to Mordor?" He questioned.
      "You've been there before?"
        "You will lead us to the black gate." Frodo removed the creatures rope. It began to speed ahead, leading the hobbits away.

While We're Here (Frodo x Reader x Sam)[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now