Bonding Time

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   Gollum eventually led you out of the mountains.
    "Hurry hobbitsis!" It said, perching on a rock.
     "See! We led you out! Good luck we found you!" You laughed at the creatures excitement. Frodo joined you, and Sam just glared, which caused Gollum to shy away. As Frodo and Gollum continued to walk ahead, you grabbed Sam's sleeve.
     "What?" He asked. You gave him a look, and he sighed and walked with you.
      "I just don't trust it. I don't know why, but I don't. Don't want it getting to close to Mister Frodo. It dealt with the ring all those years. Mister Frodo has the ring... I don't want it turning Frodo into that!" You looked at him with pleading eyes and pulled him into a hug.
     "Sam, I'm here to protect Frodo too. Just please, take a little bit of pity on it. You'd be surprised at how 'cute' it can be." You giggled and looked up at Sam, still in a hug. Your faces almost touched.
      "Now miss y/n, don't go telling me you've got a crush on the creature." This earned and explosion of laughter from the two of you.

   I heard laughter and turned around. I saw Sam and y/n very close. It made a jealousy burn inside me. Y/n pulled Sam closer to her face jokingly, and narrowed her eyes playfully.
    She then pushed on his chest and walked away sassily. Sam gazed after her with hungry eyes. I glared at him.
   Y/n grabbed the hood of her light gray cloak and pulled it over her head. She over lapped the cover of her cloak to keep warm and approached me.
    "Frodo, is everything okay?" She asked as she saw me glaring at Sam.
    "Fine," I replied through gritted teeth. Her look filled with more concern, and her head tilted to the side.  I shook my head and pulled her into a hug. Sam finally decided to join us.
   "How about a food break?" He suggested. Y/n nodded and sat down, rummaging through her bag. She pulled out some meat rapped in a leaf. Gollum came over and sat next to her protectively. I could not understand why he took such an interest in the hobbit.

    You tore off a piece of your meat and handed it to Gollum, smiling. He looked at you with gratitude, and took it carefully. You took out some sort of sauce, and covered the rest of the meat with it.
   You then began to eat the meat. The wind buffeted at your cape, and it revealed the long-sleeved, short dark gray dress you were wearing. The black leggings framed your legs, and your sword holder cupped your hips.
    "Gollum, do you ever get cold?" You asked. Gollum looked at you and nodded his head.
    "Sometimes, master." It said. You told Gollum to tell you if it ever got cold. It said it was cold right now, so you wrapped it up in your cloak with you. Sam and Frodo looked at you confusingly, and then came and squished you in between them. You all laughed and continued to walk.

    Sam's foot slipped into water.
   "It's a bog! He's led us straight to a swamp!" Sam exclaimed.
    "Swamp, yes, yes," it said. "Come masters, we takes you on safe paths through the mist!"
    You held back zero percent and follow Gollum. You put your full trust into this creature.
    Apparently, you went faster then you thought you could. You slipped on some moss and fell into the water. Doing so, you knocked yourself out on a rock. You seemed to do that a lot...

    I yelped when I heard y/n scream, and saw her disappear into the water. With no hesitation, I jumped in after her and grabbed her by the abdomen. I began dragging her upwards and set her on the ground, gasping for air.
    "Oh no! Master!" Gollum cried and ran up to her unconscious body. It kneaded her sleeve and placed its head down on her arm, sobbing.
    I looked over at Sam. His face somewhat enraged me. It was full of concern, worry, and most outrageously,


   You woke up to someone's mouth against yours. You immediately sat up, and coughed up water. You looked to see Frodo sitting next to you.
   "What happened?" You asked drowsily. Instead of responding, Frodo pulled you into a tight hug.
    "You fell, and hit your head again." He finally said. It sent pleasure down Frodo's spine to see Sam's hurt face when he pulled you into hug.

   You woke up to a muttering Gollum. He was crouched next to you, stroking his palm.
     "Gollum?" You questioned. It looked at you.
     "The masters should be resting, they needs to save their strength." It muttered. Frodo approached. You nodded your head to Frodo and left the conversation for a minute to gather up some of your things. You rejoined it, hearing Gollum ask.
     "What did you call me?"
      "That was your name once." He said.
      "M-my name..." it stuttered. "Smeagol..." a huge grin appeared on its face. Excited to see the creature actually happy, you threw your arms around Frodo's neck, into an awkward half laying down- half sitting hug. You pulled away slightly to look at his face.
    His crystal blue eyes gazed into your e/c ones. He began to lean in, but there was a ear-splitting cry overhead. Sam scrambled from his sleeping position, and Frodo looked around worriedly, clutching you close defensively. You pulled Smeagol into the huddle and covered him with your cloak.
   "Black riders! Hide!" He cried, breaking from your grasp. Frodo held onto you, and underneath the bush he held you, his eyes clutched closed.
    "They mustn't see us!" It cried. Trying to sooth the creature, you brushed you fingers down its head, behind its pointed ear. He looked at you worriedly, and huddled next to you.
    You hummed softly, and when you looked up, you saw a dragon like creature, with a black rider on top.
    Eventually, it left.
     "Hurry hobitsis, the black gate is very close.." he muttered. You couldn't hold back anymore. You sat up underneath the bush, and just let the tears stream down your face.
   "Y/n?" Sam asked. You shook your head and looked up. He offered you a hand and you took it, a sad smile across your face. Sam pulled you into a hug, and rested his hand on the small of your back, humming, this soothed you, but made Frodo, very, very, jealous.

While We're Here (Frodo x Reader x Sam)[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now