Crash Landing

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As Gondor came into view, so did a disturbing sight.
Ringwraiths upon fellbeasts were gaining upon a group of riders racing to get to the safety of Gondor.
"Oh god.." you whispered. You leaned down to Rygor's face.
"Save them," you whispered. Rygor let out a roar and picked up his pace, gaining on the other fellbeasts.
You carefully pulled your black hood over your face as Rygor pulled up to the other Ring Wraiths.
You heard faint clicks and clucks from Rygor as he communed with his kind. After several moments, the other fellbeasts began resisting their riders.
The ring Wraiths let out cries as they tried to rein their beasts under control. You simply kept your head down as Rygor made a getaway inside of Gondor.
As he dove down to the door, the gates opened, but only just wide enough to where Rygor had to aim perfectly to get inside.
Rygor let out a surge of speed, and began to spin as he tucked in his wings.
Time seemed to move slowly as Rygor squeezed himself through.
You looked behind you as the gates began closing on Rygor's tail.
"No!" you shouted. If the gates closed around Rygor's tail, there would be no way to heal or reattach it. Their medicine wasn't enough for a creature of this size.
Luckily, your shout startled Rygor into flicking his tail out of the way, but not without a price.
Rygor lost control of his spinning motion, and was on cue to run into one of the white, marble buildings.
Before doing so, he changed directions, causing you to slightly fall off his back.
Rygor took advantage of your position and covered you with his wings, in an attempt to reduce any damage given to you.
But it wasn't able to completely rid the pain. As Rygor came into contact with the building, a searing pain hit all over your body.
The only words you could use to describe your pain was excruciating.
The shouts and cries of the towns people filled your ears as they began running towards you to help, or running away in fear of the beast.
A light flashed in your eyes as Rygor removed one of his wings, but the light was soon replaced with Pippin's face. His Scottish accent filled your ears.
"Y/n? Y/N!! Gandalf we need help! Medicine! Anyone!"
The noise drowned out as your felt your eyelids grow heavy.
You let your head fall to the side, ignoring the protests of Pippin.
"Y/n no! Y/n stay with me now! Don't close your eyes!"

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