The Dangerous Tasks Of A Spy

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After no more than an hour of flying, the fellbeast had Sam and Frodo in its sight. As much as you hated to admit it, a flying fellbeast was much faster than a running warg.
Baron began diving down towards them. Frodo and Sam were located on the mountainside near the dead city.
You saw them clamor as close as they could to the mountain.
Baron flew close to them and shoved his nose into Frodo's stomach.
He stopped and let out a chirp. Frodo opened his eyes to see you atop the fellbeast.
"Surprise!" You said with a cheeky smile. Sam gaped at you.
"What in the name of-"
"No time to ask questions. The ring needs to be destroyed as soon as possible. I just had to let you know I was okay,"
Baron twisted himself around quickly which caught you off guard.
He flicked you onto the ledge Sam and Frodo were on.
"Look out!" You cried. You were headed straight for them when
You landed right on top of Frodo. He smiled cheekily, leaned up and kissed you.
You felt the heat rush to your face and you stood up.
Baron let out a chirp of amusement and you shot him a quick death glare, which shut him up quickly.
"Gotta go!" You said. You began backing up and you jumped off the ledge. Baron swooped down and caught you, and once you landed you took ahold of the reins.
Sam and Frodo were still staring at you in shock.
"What?" You yelled over the flapping of Baron's wings. "Never seen a girl as cool as I, have ya?" You said cheekily. Sam and Frodo both cracked into smiles and you waved goodbye.
Baron flew off in the direction of Rohan. But not twenty minutes into the flight, a screech was heard.
Baron rattled his scales (something you didn't know he could do), and flew up into the clouds, clouding your vision.
Another fellbeast, without a rider, chirped and swooped closer.
You pulled your black hood up over your head and lay low.
After a few minutes, more fellbeasts appeared. And then they were gone.
Baron flew underneath cloud level and hovered. Before you was Rohan, a place you'd never been before.
But landing was not easy. Honestly, how could you have not thought this through? A village a men in war with wraiths riding fellbeasts, how'd you think they react with a hooded figure approaching their village riding a fellbeast?
Baron struggled to avoid their arrows.
He eventually backed up and stopped, hovering.
You shook your head in frustration. You snapped the reins, which sent Baron surging forward.
He avoided arrows and nets and cannons, and headed for the hall.
He dive bombed down. Hearing another shriek you looked at the sky, but calmed down when you realized it was Rygor. You smiled to yourself when you saw Tochi on his back.
Rygor dived and landed next to Baron. Tochi lept down and you greeted him briefly.
You dismounted Baron and pushed open the hall doors, cutting Gandalf off from speech.
"Men are not as weak as-" from underneath your hood you could see their shocked faces.
Rygor and Baron crawled off to the sides of the hall, Tochi trotting next to you.
They could see only your mouth from under your hood. You cracked it into a wicked smiled and walked closer.
You stood in front of Pippin, your friend from birth.
Your evil smile changed into a happy lopsided grin. You flung yourself into Pippin's arms, and in the process your hood fell from your face.
"Y/n?" he hugged you back as soon as he heard your voice.
You pulled back slightly to look into his eyes. He had always been like the brother you never had.
You smiled as a few happy tears fell from your face. He rubbed them away carefully with the pad of his thumb.
He placed a brotherly kiss on your forehead.
"You seem to be forgetting about a certain hobbit," a voice came from behind you.
You smiled again and turned around, seeing Merry with his arms outstretched, waiting for a hug.
You ran and hugged him. He too planted a soft kiss on your forehead.
You continued to great Gandalf, Aragon, Legolas, and Gimbley.
"Y/n, where are Sam and Frodo?" Gandalf questioned.
"Alive and well, they're almost into Mordor." you said, bouncing lightly on your toes.
"A great idea woulda been to give em a warg or-"
"They were given to me by Sauron. He is watching, I couldn't of." You cut him off and everyone gave you a cold stare. Their looks asked the only question needed. How?
"Sauron sent two fellbeasts to capture me and bring him to me. He wants me to be a spy for him, he's expecting a fresh batch of information by the end of the week." you looked down at sighed.
"Your very a bold Hobbit I'll tell you that," Gimbley sniggered. You smiled and looked up.
"Won't they tell Sauron what your up to..?" He pointed to Baron, Rygor, and Tochi.
"No, they all want to see him fall. He's hurt them all in some way or form." Baron slowly came into the light and set his head on the floor. You approached him and pat his head lightly.
One by one the group walked up and visited with the creatures.
Rygor and Baron curled themselves up next to eachother and began communicating in clicks, chirps and low grunts.
"As I was saying," Gandalf cleared his throats slightly. "Men are not as weak as Sauron thinks. He will not risk the men of middle earth uniting under one king. He will die before he sees a king return to the throne of Gondor." Gandalf gave a solemn look to Aragorn. You looked at Aragorn, realizing what this meant.
Baron began making some strange noises. The best way to describe them is a cat gurgling water low in its throat.
Rygor began making the same noise.
Their heads lifted, and their pupils slits. They stood still, staring at the group.
Then it went away. They set their heads down and closed their eyes, and fell back asleep.
The group ignored it and continued.
"Tell me," the Rohan king spoke."why should we ride to the aid of those who did not help us? What do we owe Gondor?"
The room fell silent for a moment.
"I will go," whispered Aragorn.
"No," Gandalf said instantly. Aragorn fumed.
"The people of Gondor must be warned!"
"And they will!" Gandalf stepped closer and began whispering with Aragorn. He addressed the group once more.
"Understand this, things are now in motion and that cannot be undone. I ride for Gondor."
He turned to you and Pippin. "And I do not ride alone."

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