Chapter 3: The Bite

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Chapter 3:
The Bite

As Peter was walking out of the nurses office with ice on his face, the principle passed by and called Peter to her office. Peter was worried he just got beat up and maybe the principle saw what happened and cause Peter to not only look like a weak person but also a snitch.

As Peter walked into the principle office he was thinking about an excuse. Which he would make up along the way.

"Peter your probably wondering why i called you in here. Right? Well i called you here because Doctor Curtis Connors from Oscorp has heard about you from another one of our students. He would like to meet you and i hope that you have signed up for that internship because he will be there." Said the principle of the school.

Peter was relieved but also shocked because he knew Dr. Connors worked with his father at Oscorp. Dr. Connors had a missing arm but he did not let that stop him from doing great things.

"Oh yeah i did sigh up for the internship, thank you Mrs. Junkies." Said Peter.

" Peter also one more thing."

Peter thought she was going to ask about he fight so he planed to act clueless.

"Yes" he said.

"You never picked up your skateboard that i took from you last year. Here have it back ok."

She handed it to him and then he walked out the room. Right after school was the internship so he was glad to have his skateboard back because now he could get their faster.

When Peter finally got to Oscorp tower he attached his skateboard to his book bag and walked inside. He went up to the lady at the front desk and showed her the internship paper. She took it and gave him his visitors pass and showed him the way to where all the interns were at.

Peter was still amazed by how large and magnificent the place was. It had different section. It had a military section. A bio research area. Business area and an engineer area. Peter was hoping to see Gwen but she was no where to be found. It wasn't like her to be late for anything, she is always 5 min earlier to any where she goes.

"Hello, and welcome to the Oscorp tower interns. You have all been selected for an internship with Dr. Connors but only one of you will get the internship. I am the head intern here my name is Gwen Stacy."

When Peter saw her he was shocked he never thought that she would be the head intern of Oscorp.

She led them into the bio research area of Oscorp. She showed them the tree of life while they were waiting for Dr. Connors.

"Hello interns my name is Dr. Curtis Connors and one of you lucky teenagers will be my second assistant just like Miss Stacy here. But before i would like to talk to Peter Parker, i hope that he is here."

"Im here Dr. Connors" said Peter.

"Peter come with me please i have to talk to you about a few things. While i talk to Mr. Parker, Miss Stacy will be showing you guys around." Said Dr. Connors as he walked with Peter to his office.

"Peter you look just like your father with your glasses on. Any way i have something here for you. I hope you thank Miss Stacy because if she hadn't told me about you i would have never been able to give you this... Ok this here is your fathers suitcase. He told me to give it to you as soon as you were 16. Sadly i couldn't find you until Miss Stacy told me so here take it. He gave it to me that same night that they died right after he left you with your aunt and uncle." Said Dr. Conners

Peter took the suit case and attached it to his back pack. He couldn't wait to open it up at home to see what was in it.

"Now Peter come with me i would like to show you the last project that your father and i worked on. I sure that you have heard of cross species genetics. Well your father came up with a formula that he did not show anyone not even me. We wanted to test it out on spiders we were cross breading all the spiders in the world together. Most of them fail until one was successful. We were so proud, we also found out that they had even stronger webbing that is stringer than the strongest chains in the world but thin and extremely light."

They walked to an area where they could see the spiders. They went inside and Peters face was indescribable. Someone called Dr. Connors for a minute so Peter was now in there alone. While Peter was alone cross breed spider escaped from where it was being contained. It slowly dropped down from the ceiling on to Peters back pack.

Dr. Connors brought back Peter to the internship tour that Gwen was leading. Gwen showed the interns a quick video on their cross species genetics project. Them she pulled Peter out to the side.

"Hey Pete, i bet you never thought I was the head intern here at Oscorp". She said

"Yeah i did not expect it at all. Oh yeah thank you for telling Dr. Connors about me, i really appreciate it." He said.

They went back to the tour and suddenly Peter felt like is someone stabbed him with two tiny burning needles. He was in a lit of pain and tried not to show it.

Right after the tour was over Peter said bye to Gwen and Dr. Connors and went straight home. On his way home he collapsed near an ally. There was a gang of guys that dragged him into the ally. They were searching through Peters things.

One of them pulled out a knife because he got joy out of killing insistent people that he never met before. His name was Cletus Kasady. He was a tall man with blood red hair and the look of a murderer.

Peter had this sudden sense in him as the knife was getting closer to his neck that mad him jump up with a sudden speed but also deflected the knife that was gona stab him. Suddenly he got it again which caused him to jump up and kick two of the men in the face. Kasady went in for a stab at Peter again but for some reason to Peter everything was going in slow motion for him so he dogged it and kick Kasady lightly. But for some reason Kasady went flying and dropped the other two men that were getting back up.

"Peter hurry get into my car, i saw the whole thing. HURRY!!!" Yelled a voice.

Peter recognized the voice and grabbed all his things fast and hoped in the car with MJ. Peter was relieved that it was over but still did not know how it happened. MJ drove home which is right next to Peters house. She hugged him and said " dont worry kitten you are safe now" and she went to her house. Peter was still thinking about how she was driving without a license but the hug helped him forget.

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