Chapter 4: Seeing Red

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Seeing Red

Peter walked inside of his home dying of starvation. He saw that his aunt and uncle were both looking at Peter with eyes that said "Where the HELL have you been. Peter saw them and then looked at the time. It was 1:58 am. Peter started apologizing while getting all the food out of the fridge.

"May you noticed that he took the meatloaf right?" Said Uncle Ben

"Yeah i noticed that, could it be drugs" said Aunt May

"Cant be because his eyes would be blood shot and he would not have good hand eye coordination." Said uncle Ben.

Peter went up stairs to his room. His room had his twin sized bed against the wall that you see when you walk in, the wall was filled with skateboards. To the left was a window. To the right was his closet with all his books cloths and sneakers. Across the wall from his bed was his desk with latest computer and a cardboard broad that he could stick thump tax too and there was also his bathroom.

He threw his book bag on the floor and lost his balance due to his dizziness and the sick feeling he had. He laid on the floor eating the food while watching his room go in circles. He couldn't get back up so he pulled down the blanket on his bed and slept on the floor.

The next day he woke up early. To his surprise he had somehow ended up on the ceiling of his room. He panicked did not know what to do. The. He remembered what his uncle Ben had told him. "Peter if your ever in a panic or scared to death just relax and clear your mind". Peter had a smile on his face after remembering that.

He relaxed his aching body and suddenly dropped to the floor. Peter jumped back up but jumped higher than he ever could and hit his head on the ceiling. He laid on the floor think " what the hell is going on here ". He jumped back up again but was being carful on how much he jumped. He tried to open his bathroom door but then the door went flying to his bed. Peter was confused and very worried.

He started taking his top off to shower and noticed in his mirror that he was no longer skin and bone. He was ripped. He had muscles in places he never knew
could have muscles. He looked down and saw that he was four times as bigger than what he was before. He hope into the shower with his tooth brush.

Peter got out the shower and got dressed faster than ever. He grabbed his glasses and put them on.

"What the fuck? Why are my glasses so blurry when i put them on?" He said to him self as he put them on and off and noticed that his vision is extremely better.

He ran out of his room with is things for school. He sat down on the table and ate with his aunt and uncle.

"Morning aunt May and uncle Ben." He said

"Good morning Peter" they said.

"Hey Peter ill give you a lift to school today i have to talk to you about certain things. Ok?" Said uncle Ben.

"Ok uncle Ben. Ill wait for you at the car." Peter said as he got up.

Peter waited for his uncle in the car for his uncle. He felt better than he ever felt in his entire life. He had grown 2 inches taller and gotten four times bigger. He does not need glasses anymore. He has become robust.

"Hi Pete. Said uncle Ben ass he started driving to school.
"Pete your aunt and i have both noticed that you are acting strange lately. I have seen what you bathroom did to your door. Your changing i know, i have gone through the same thing. So has you father. I have learned through my experiences and so will you. Just remember this little phrase. With great power comes great responsibility. Remember that Peter". Said uncle Ben.

"Thank you uncle Ben i appreciate it. Your always their when i need you." Said Peter as they arrived to the school.

"Have a good day Peter"

"I will uncle Ben thank you. Bye."

Peter got out of the car thinking about what his uncle had told him. He went to his locker and got out his books. On his way to class he felt as if nothing could stop him. He sat down in biology class waiting for class to start.

Gwen sat to his right, MJ sat to his left and Flash sat to MJs' left. Peter was wondering was was going on. At the same time he was nervous he had had a crush on both MJ and Gwen.

Peter had a crush on MJ since she moved in next door to him when he was seven. He remembers thinking that she was an angel when she moved in.

When Peter and MJ were both in third grade, MJ became best friends with the Sheriffs daughter Gwen Stacy. Peters eyes lit up when he saw her he thought that she was as beautiful as the sun.

"Hey Pete."said MJ " are you ok after what happened last night?"

"Yeah I'm ok mater of fact i feel better than ever." Said Peter

"Are you guys talking about what you told me happened to Peter yesterday?" Said Gwen.

"Yeah we are Gwen. It was crazy tho. At first all i saw as i was walking out of the store to the car i snuck out with, was Peter knocked out on the floor. A red headed guy was about to stab Peter. But then Peter jumped up hit the red headed guy. Then he kid the other two guys to the floor. The red head was about to kill Peter but Pete dogged it and kicked him so hard that he went flying a f hit the other two that were getting back up. And then i told him to get inside."

"Yup thats how it happened." Said Peter as he recalled that he didn't know what he did last night.

"Thats crazy Peter." Said Gwen.

"PARKER!!! Why the hell are you talking to my girl." Yelled angrily Flash.

"Mr. Thomson don't raise your voice like that gain in my class." Said the teacher.

"Watch, you back Parker." Said Flash.

At the end of the day Peter was getting his things all together. He was getting ready to go home on his skateboard. When suddenly, the same sense he had last night came again. It was like a sense of danger or some sort. He moved out the way quickly.

Bang!! Went his locker.

"I told you to watch your back Parker." Said Flash as he swung at Peter.

Again it seemed as if everything went slow motion. As if he had all the time in the world to doge the attack. Peter dogged it again. Suddenly one of Flash's buddies went in to tackle Peter. So Peter sensed it coming so he jumped up over the jock and kicked him against the locker. The jock hit the locked and moved aside.

Flash started swinging again and again at Peter. Peter just kept dogging the attacks he was having the time of his life. It brought a smile to his face. MJ and Gwen got to the seen and tried to stop Flash. Flash blinded by anger pushed Gwen against a locker and she hit her head agains the locker.

Now all that Peter saw was red he filled with anger and grabbed one of the jabs. He squeezed Flash's arm and punched him in the stomach. Flash fell to his knees. By now all the kids were watching the fight. Gwen got up and saw what Peter had done to Flash. Peter slammed Flash up against the locker. MJ stood there frozen watching Peter punch Flash in the face.

"Peter! Stop." Yelled Gwen.

Peter saw that Flash could not do anything. Out of anger Peter helped Flash stand up. As Flash tried to walk away, Peter kick Flash and Flash went flying to the floor. Everyone was shocked.

" You shouldn't have done that" said Gwen.

Peter finally calmed down and saw what he had done.

"I...I..don't know" he said as he ran away with his things.

"Gwen, go after him. This could be your chance. I will stay here with Flash and help him to the nurse. Said MJ.

"Ok MJ." Said Gwen as she ran after Peter.

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