Chapter 29: The Talk

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Chapter 29:

The Talk

It has been a long stressful and terrifying week since the incident happened. At the beginning of the week or the day that started all the anarchy. Spider-Man had made an oath, an oath to protect the city from anyone that got in the way of disturbing the pease. He was becoming a Guardian Angel for the people of New York.

Harry has been spending a ton of his money trying to find his father after his disappearance. But how? He will never be able to find his father the way he used to be. His father is now a real live Goblin that brings a path of Chaos everywhere he goes. Oscorp is also at risk of being bought buy the Hardy Foundation.

Harry wouldn't be able to inherit Oscorp is it was bought by the Hardy Foundation. That was the oldest living relic of the Osborn Family. Its been in their family since the day that Captain America first showed up. Harry knew that he had no power over it. He had to wait four more months until he finally turned 18 and got the company. Harry also wanted to be as close as possible to Peter but he knew that Peter wanted some space.

MJ had made a full recovery and has been helping out Harry look for his father. She also finally separated from Flash. She was also accepted teen model job that she dreamt of and now finally got. The days that she got off of work she would help Harry look for his dad or visit Gwen at the hospital to help her with the grieving. She also had not seen Peter since the day he visited her.

Gwen was still in shock after what had happened. She was angry and wanted revenge on the Goblin to avenge the death of her unborn child. She wanted to see the Goblin get ripped by each of his limbs. She wanted to watch his poisonous soul leave his body.

But she kept it to herself, she did not mention it to anyone. She knew that the Goblin was Harrys dad so she just daydreamed about it. She would cry herself to sleep when MJ left her hospital room when she would visit. She would let herself cry for her dead child, she would use that as a way to keep herself going.

She was now driven by two things, her love for Peter, and the death of her kid. She was the only one that saw Peter that week after visiting hours would be over. He would sneak into her hospital room through her window after his daily search for the Goblin.

At high school no one had seen Peter since what happened. To everyones surprise Flash had gotten the whole football and basketball team to have a moment of silence for the lose that Peter and Gwen suffered. Then he got the whole school doing the same. He was still pissed that MJ had finished with him but he knew that wasn't as important as the lose.

Peter had not shown up at school that whole week, he could not crack a smile even if he tried. He had spent that whole week in an abandoned train station. He was preparing himself for the Goblin. He was pushing himself to the peek of his abilities. He tested his bodies resistance to explosives. He also would go and train himself on the SHEILD ship. He would set off the alarms and the security would appear and he would fight it. He noticed that now he could withstand more hits and explosions without his bones braking.

Today is the day that Gwen leaves the hospital and Peter is on his way there. When he walked in threw the door he saw Gwen checking out if the hospital. He walked slowly to her and hugged her. She did the same and kissed him. They walked out of the hospital and ran into an ally. Peter changed into his sowed up Spider-Man costume.

Gwen put swung her arms around him and held on tight. For security he shot a web at the wall. He took if of the wall and used it as a belt for Gwen to put on so that he could use both arms. He jumped up at the wall, shot two webs at two other walls and sling shot himself into the air. He swung to the Empire State building and let Gwen off. They sat at the edge of the building and looked over the city.

"Beautiful isn't it?" Spidey said.

"Yes...and you get the chance to enjoy it when your not risking your life." Gwen said as she looked in the direction of the hospital.

"Gwen i made an oath, a promise, a promise to protect this city from anything that causes harm."

"I know you did, and so did my father when he became a cop."

"I can not be a cop, cops have jurisdictions , but me as Spider-Man, i can get to anything and anyone because i don't have one."

"Peter, i know that you want to help people, not only because of our...lose, but also because of what happened to your uncle."

"Thats true, but then it came to my attention that the city that we both grew up in is made up of pure danger. With people like the KingPin, the Goblin, and many more that will show up."

"Pete, we already lost a huge part of who we are because of the Goblin. I do not want to loose you too to him. Everyday i am afraid that either you or my father will take a last breath out of my life. I cant live like that."

"I have to stop the Goblin, if i don't then who will, SHEILD is too busy with the Avengers im LA with Loki. The Fantastic Four are in outer space with the Sliver Surfer. Even if they were here, this is my fight and i wont let them get involved."

"Peter you became Spider-Man in the beginning of the school year. You are not as experienced like all of them Hero's are."

"I may not be as experienced...but that wont stop me from bringing the Goblin in." Spidey said as he got up.

"Peter, he is to strong for just you now. He has changed, he is no longer a human with encasements. He's now a monster that does not let anything stop him."

"He may have an upper hand but its me that he is after, and no one else."

"Peter its not your fault that out baby died. Its the Goblins fault."

"No Gwen...its my fault, if i could have been fast enough i would have been able to stop him from injecting you."

"Peter, he had you beat, if it wasn't for EMIN3M showing up. We would of both died."

"I am grateful that he helped up, but now the Goblin wants to finish what he started, and so do i."

"But he will kill you, or you will both die!"

"If thats what it takes"

"...take me home done for the night!"

Gwen got up and put her arms around him while he secured her. Spidey leaped off and started swinging to her house. When they got there, Spidey helped her in threw her window. When she was finally in she slammed the window without a saying "bye" to Spidey.

He leaped off and swung home thinking about his talk with Gwen.

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