Chapter 21: Back to The Old

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Chapter 21:

Back to The Old

"You got it all wrong! I did not... Ughhh...i didn't help a fugitive escape from... Your prison. I didn't know you guys existed." Said Spidey as managed to find a week spot in the glue.

"You helped this fugitive escape." Said Nick Furry as he shoved a picture of Mr. Hardy. "He has top secret information that can is worth more than the world. We have witnesses saying that they saw you swigging from building to building with him on your back and another girl." Said Nick as he starred at Spidey with his single eye.

"Listen i did not help his escape i helped him and his daughter escape from the KingPin. Now if you will excuse me..." Spidey said as he pushed off the wall and knocked down the hover board and webbed Furry to the building. "Got places to be and things to do...bye patchy" said Spidey as he web-zipped to the nearest subway system.

The Next Day...

"Pete... I hope that when you hear this soon bro. I feel like if what happened is my fault. But it seems as if you are okey with it... Im happy for you if you are but im always here for you now. We have been years away from each other but now we are back." Said Harry to Peters voice mail.

Harry got up and walked to his fathers office. He sat done on a chair i front of him. He crossed his legs and looked around in an awkward silence. The office was huge. Bigger than the oval office. The biggest painting he had was one that touched Harry heart every time he saw it. It was a painting of Peter and Harry with there parents. But now Norman was the only parent that was left alive.

"Dad we haven't talked in a long while now. I just wanted to let you know that i am going to help Peter with his new upcoming responsibility. Ill help him im anyway i can. Even if it mean giving him lots of money which i don't mind." Harry said as he got up and put his book bag on.

"Peter! Of course son. Tell him to come by later. I haven't talked to him in a long time." Norman said as he thought about how he always felt that Peter was like another son to him.

Harry got into his Lambo. He drove straight to school thinking about how he felt that it is basically his fault that this happened to Peter. When he arrived he got out and was surrounded by his so called "friends". He just smiled and walked straight to his real friends, his buddies, his family.

MJ, Gwen, Flash, and Peter that is late as usual. Harry did not really like Flash because of how he treated Peter since they were kids and how he treats people. But he got to know Flash, he saw that Flash has changed, he is cool with Peter now and he tries to be a good person.

"Hey guys, wheres Peter?" Asked Harry.

"Late as usual." Said Flash and MJ at the same time.

They walked into home room. They all took their seats. Peter walked in and sat down next to Gwen. He put his head down. He looked extremely tired as if he was up all night. Then the loud speaker called Peter to the office.

Peter got up slowly and walked to the office. When he got there he saw Nick Furry there sitting in the principles chair. Peter tried his best to act as if he just met him.

"Where is the principle?" Peter asked as he played with his thumbs.

"Now Peter Parker, or should i say Spider-Man." Said Nick Furry as he dropped down a pellet on the floor.

Peters faces lit up red. He clutched his fists in his hands.

"Spider-Man? Me? Haha your crazy dude." Peter said nervously.

"Do not like to me Parker. Im the Shield directer. We when we met the first time i stuck a tracker on you when you WEBBED ME!" Sad Furry as he showed Peter the tracker on him.

Peter saw it then he jumped up kicked it our of Furry's hand and webbed him to the wall again.

"I am not the Director of Shield just for good looks." Furry said as he pressed clacked his heels together.

The pellet shot up. It went above Peters head and made a shield that coved his who body. Then it released a gas inside of the shield. Peters eyes closed faster than his heart could beat.

Furry took Peter to his flying fortress. It was huge. It had huge guns, engines, soldiers and training areas. Furry took Peter to an interrogation room. He started asking questions.

"Why did you brake out The Cat? Answer me or else ill make sure that you have an eyepatch too." Yelled Furry as he took out his gun.

"I bet that i will look better in it than you." Peter said sarcastically as he looked around." Also i did not help him escape. I was captured by the KingPin. When i woke up i was laying down next to his daughter. If like you said that someone saw me web slinging with him. Its because i was saving him from the KingPin." Peter said as he saw an air vent that led to the outside. Luckily they didn't take his web shooters.

Peter quickly kicked the table over. He hoped onto the wall and ripped open the air vent and crawled into. The whole time that that happened Furry stayed calm sitting.

Peter found his way out and punched it open. He dived down face first. He saw himself getting closer and closer to the ground. He aimed at a building. When he pressed the shoot button but the webs didn't come out. He quickly checked his web shooters. Empty!

Furry must have taken out the web pellets when Peter was out cold. Peter started leaning left to the closest building. He dug into his jacket pocket. He pulled out his mask and gloves. He put them on and took off his cloths. He's now in his full suit as his cloths flouted down.

He crashed into the building and held onto the building. He crawled down and checked himself for trackers. None this time. He jumped from building to building until he got home.

Later that day...

"Hello?" Said Peter in a sleepy voice.

"Hey Pete its me Harry. My dad wants to see you. He said he hasn't seen you since we were kids. Also that he will let us use his place for a party after he's done talking to you." Harry said while Peter saw his fathers suit case.

"Sure Harry, i will be right over in a bit. Don't start the Party without me." Peter said as he picked up a picture of his father with Dr. Connors, Norman Osborn, and Dr. Brock.

I should take this picture. Maybe Mr. Osborn knows who Dr. Brock is. I still have lots of questions about my parents death. Maybe this will get me some clues or a new lead. Right now i haven't paid much attention to this, but now its my main focus other than what Gwen and i have.

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