Chapter 31: Hours Away

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Chapter 31:

Hours Away

"Is he okey? What happened?!?" Aunt May questioned everyone in the hospital room.

"We have confirmed that he did not pass out or black out. The cause is yet unidentified." Replied a Nures.

"Aunt May, he just collapsed in front of us. He was fine...and then he just fell to the floor." MJ said while Gwen got up off her chair.

"Im really worried about him. What could have caused it?" Gwen asked herself.

"Don't worry aunt May. Iv covered all the hospital expenses for you." Harry said as he hugged aunt May.

"Harry, you didn't have too." Aunt May said as she say next to Peter.

MJ walked to the TV in the room and turned it on.


The notorious Green Goblin has struck! He seems to have changed. He seems to have changed! Last time we saw him he was just a man in a suit causing complete chaos. Now that we see him he seems to have changed into a monster!

We are now going to try and get a closer shot of him. Wait! whats he doing?

It seems that he has hoped of his Glider and started an all out brawl with the police.

We just received word that the national guard is coming too.

What is that? HOLY SHIT LOOK OUT!!!

Everyone in the hospital room watched in horror. They clearly saw the Goblins' Glider fly straight threw the helicopter.

" man hold his own against all of the police... and now the national guard... is getting involved." Aunt May said in shock.

"Thats not a man, Aunt may, thats a monster that feeds off destruction." Gwen said as she looked at Peter with the look in her eyes of all hope lost.

"Gwen, this Green Goblin character used to be a human just like us. But he had done something to himself to become this creature." Aunt May said as she kissed her crucifix.

Gwen's mind went straight to the memory. The memory when she witnessed the Green Goblins shift. She could remember the pain she felt. She could remember the sound of the Goblins bones braking and reforming. She remembered watching in horror the shift of a monster.


"Ohh, the National Guard is here! Hahahaaaaa. This will be fun!" Yelled the Green Goblin.

The Goblin jumped on his Glider and flew up in the sky. There were two fighter jets that were coming in fast and hot. He fired a missile from his Glider and Jumped towards the other one and landed on it. He punched threw the window. He jammed the emergency exist and dropped a pumpkin bomb in there.

He jumped off and landed on his glider. He started dogging the tank shots and dropped two special pumpkin bombs on them. The pumpkin bombs had a special acid that dissolved metal. He dropped smoke pumpkin bombs and jumped off the Glider.

"SWITCH TO THERMAL!!!" Yelled a soldier as everyone did as he said.

"Thermal huh. Ehhhahahhahaha!!!" The Goblin laughed and then dropped flash bangs on the floor.

I the battle field was a night black cloud that seemed to consume everyone. With in the cloud you could see the flash bangs go off. But it looked as if lightning was striking the ground. With in all the smoke and flashes, you could hear the chilling laughter of the Goblin that caused the hairs on the back of your neck stand up.

The yells and screams of the soldiers within the cloud made was so excruciating that it made you want to ripe you own ears off. You could hear and fell the bones being broken.

Within the cloud, the Goblin flew out with the glider. He pressed a button on his armor and vanished.

At The Hospital...

"Come on Peter, wake up." Gwen whispered into Peters ear.

"I am going to run home really quick. I have to take a few meds for my heart." Aunt May said as she kissed Peter on his forehead.

"Where is Spider-Man! He's the only one that could stop the Green Goblin." MJ said as she watched the aftermath of what happened.

"Spider-Man is a criminal. He's probably using this as a distraction to rob stores. Haven't you heard what Jamison said. Spider-Man id a criminal, a menace" Harry said as he frowned at MJ.

"Well then Harry, i have to go. I hate to leave Peter here like this. But i need to go to work. Bye, Gwen and Harry. I hope you feel better Peter." MJ said as she left the room.

"I know what your thinking Harry. Go ahead. Its ok i can stay here with Peter." Gwen said to Harry.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes Harry, now go take her. This could be your chance."

"Um...ugh...fine, here take $500 incase i need anything for Peter. Thanks bye!" Harry said running out the door.

"Wake up Pete, the city needs you right now." Gwen said.

At Peters House...

"Oh, here it is." Aunt May said to herself as she took her Medication.

She walked upstairs to Peters room. She sat down on his bed and tried her best to hold back her tears. She managed to keep them back. She looked up at Peters wall and saw uncle Bens picture.

At that point she didn't notice that she was crying. Her tears streamed down her cheeks. She started shaking. She took the picture off the wall and placed it on the bed.

She kneeled down and started praying. She was praying for Peters well being. She prayed for all the lost souls that had a horrible death. She prayed for the family's. Lastly she prayed for the city to be saved from the Goblin.



The whole front of the house exploded. The explosion knocked her back a bit. She started getting up and rubbing her eyes.

She felt a hand help her up.

"Let me help you mama." An unfamiliar voice said.

When she opened her eyes. She saw the Goblins face inches from hers. She jumped back and fell.


"NO!" She said in a broken down voice.

"FINISH IT! FINISH IT!!! Hahaha" the Goblin said as he placed his claws on her throat.

"" She murmured as her vision started going blurry.

"HHAHA, you crack me up. HAHAH. You just as useless like your husband. Thats why his DEATH!!! was worth it!!! HAAAAHHHHAAAA"

At The Hospital...

"HUHHHH!!!" Peter woke up.

"Peter. Are you okey. You need to stop the Goblin! He's killed so many people today."


"I don't know where he is. He disappeared. Here I have your suit in my bag."

"What about the hospital?"

"Harry has it covered, just run out!"

"Okay ill do it." Peter said as he ran out the room with the his suit in the bag.

Gwen started walking out and she saw Aunt May being rushed into the hospital.

"This can't be good..."

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