Chapter 28: Long Night

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Chapter 28:

Long Night

Lets see where this flying ship went, and what does it have to do with Felicia's apartment. Spidey was talking to himself while walking threw the rubble in the apartment looking at his Spider-Tracker.

If its that triple chinned fat ass that got her and her father i swear that ill tare his head off.

Damn! Getting there is going to be a lot slower thanks to White Tiger chick. She must have broken my web shooter but i didn't notice. Gotcha!!! Spidey yelled as he shot two webs with his remanning Web Shooter at the building across, he started walking backwards and let go. He slingshot himself in the air and hitch a ride on a news Helicopter.

He jumped off towards the building that was containing the ship. He turned around and shot his web to slow down the fall.

"Cht,cht!" Went his surviving web shooter. His web shooter ran out of webs and he did not have enough time to change his web pellet with a new one.

He brassed himself and let all of his venom and rage rome free. He stretched out his arms and his fists ready as he feel.


"Ouch? Why did that not hurt?" He said to himself as he looked up and saw a small privet army of men all aiming at him.

"Wait! Before you tools decide to shot! Let me just say that...iv been looking for a fight." Spidey said and than vanished. He was moving so fast that he couldn't be seen.

He climbed up to the ceiling, he wrapped his fist in webs and dropped.


He landed on the floor and the that whole room trembled and collapsed. The men we all knocked out but Spidey.

He looked up and saw the KingPin with Felicia's dad and a girl in a cage.

"Mr. Hardy are you okey, wheres Felicia!" Spidey yelled as the KingPin walked to Black Cat.

"Felicia if you don't do as i say, i myself will gut your father alive and make you watch it first hand...kill Spider-Man." He said as he released her from the cage.

She squinted at the KingPin and walked towards Spider-Man.

"" Spidey asked as the KingPin sat down in his chair at his desk.

"The Names Black Cat,...and im...sorry Spider..."she said as she twirled around and kicked Spidey on his chest.

Spidey went flying back and hit the wall creating a crater in it.

What? My Spider-Senses did not go off. But why?

"Ms. Cat i don't want to fight you, i already ran into one of your cousins." He said as he leaped forwarded.

"No...hard feelings..."she said as she ran and slid between Spideys legs grabbing his arms. She caused him to do a front flip and land on his back. He jumped up and grabbed her wrists. She jumped placed her legs on his chest and pushed off.

They both went flying in separate directions but Spidey web shot her and pulled her to him. She cut the web off of her with her claws and used the momentum to punch Spidey in the face with twice the force.

When the hit connected it cracked Spideys shoulder. He slowly got back up. She leaped at him aiming for her next hit when suddenly the KingPin grabbed her foot. He slammed her on the floor and threw her into the cage.

"Your just like the Goblin! You love to hurt and kill anyone you see!" Spidey said as he stood up and completely healed fast.

"I thought you had broken his shoulder!" The KingPin yelled!

"I did brake it you fat ass fagget!" Black Cat yelled back at him.

"People like you do not deserve to live!"

The KingPin turned around and a fist cleanly hit him in the nose. It shattered his noses cartilage and blood poured out.

Spidey jumped up and tried to kick the KingPin. The KingPin grabbed his foot slammed him on the ground, picked him up and started bear hugging him. Slowly Spidey felt life fading.

But he remembered his promise to himself. Spidey couldn't move. He quickly head butted the KingPin and punched him in the gut!

The KingPin fell to his knees. Spidey got closer, suddenly his Spider Sense went off but he didn't react to it. The KingPin grabbed him by the neck and punched him repeatedly.

"Are you done yet? Fatty Ms. Black Cat over there hits harder than you." Spidey said and then uppercut the KingPins forearm.

The sound of that bone braking was so loud that everyone in the room could feel the pain running through their bodies.

The KingPin collapsed to the floor defeated.

"I will put an END TO YOU RIGHT NOW." Spidey said as he jumped out the window and cam back with a car door.

"Peter...remember...With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility" said uncle Bens voice in Spideys head.

"With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility...thank you uncle" Spidey dropped the door.

"If you wont kill him than i will!" Said Black Cat who had escaped and getting ready to slash the KingPins through.

"No! Let him live!" Spidey said as he caught her arm.

"I almost killed you before what makes you think that i wont finish the job this time Spider!" She said as she pulled her arm away.

"What makes you think that i wont hit you this time" Spidey said hoping that she will believe his bluff.

"I like it rough Spider...find me...if you can..."she said as she pushed him to the ground and jumped through the window.


"Speechless Spider-Man?" Said Mr. Hardy.

"Yes sir. For the first time too, come on let me get you home."

"No need Spider-Man i can go myself." Mr. Hardy said as he jumped out the window.

"Time to bring you in for...your... Where did he go?" Spidey said as he couldn't find the KingPin.


"I have to thank Peter Parker...hahaha he has helped me gain full control of Normans body. Hahah Norman is no-more!" The Green Goblin said.

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