Chapter 6: Layers of Pain

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Chapter 6:
Layers of Pain

The next day Peter went to school. As he walked his spider senses could sense deep sorrow as he walked down the hallways of school. It did not come from him but it came from the people around him as he walked down the hallways of school. His senses were able to tell him exactly how everyone felt except a few people.

As he kept walking he saw people give him room and shedding tears for him. Peter kept his head down he tried to avoid using his spider scenes so that he wouldn't fall deeper in his ocean of sorrow. He did not want to make eye contact with anyone.

Peter went up to his locker to get some books out. As he was opening up his metallic locker, Gwen, MJ and a beat up Flash were all walking together. Even though Flash was a spoiled jock, he had a heart but he only showed it to people in true pain and sorrow. As they walked together Flash saw Peter.

He walked up to Peter trying not to make himself seem hostel.Gwen stopped herself from telling MJ what had happened yesterday with Peter due too Flash's bravery. As MJ and Gwen both watch with one eye open. They were preparing them selves for another beat down.

"Parker..."said Flash.

"Not now or today Flash" said Peter.

As Flash got closer he put his hand on Peters shoulder. Peter quickly swung around slammed Flash against his locker and dropped Flash to the floor. Everyone watched, but they did not dare to get any closer. Peter also dropped to the floor with his back against the lockers and his hand on his face sobbing.

"Im sincerely sorry for your lose Peter. Im sorry for your lose."said Flash as he picked himself up off the floor and helped Peter up too.

"Thanks..."said Peter as he cleaned the tears off his face and walked away.

MJ quickly ran to Peter before Gwen could tell her what had happened yesterday with Peter. MJ stopped Peter in His tracks and hugged him. He did not hug back tho. He took the hug from her and walked away with his hood up and staring at the floor.

Gwen saw how Peter did not hug MJ back so she thought it was better to give him his space. What was bugging her was how MJ ran to Peter and hugged him out of the Blue. Gwen got suspicious and a little jealous.

They all went to class after that. Gwen sat next to MJ in advanced Literature class. Flash was not in it he was in remedial Literature class.

"MJ. Said Gwen. Iv have something to tell you that happened yesterday when you told me too go after Peter."

"What? What happened?" Asked MJ.

"Well i asked Peter how he managed to do what he did yesterday. He was surprised himself that he did that too. But before that i lost my footing and was about to fall on my ass. But he caught me and held me by the waist."said Gwen

MJs' eyes widened and hoped that Gwen was not going to say that she kissed him. But she also felt sorry for Flash. She was thinking about Peter when at the moment she was with Flash. Only MJ knew that Flash never tried to sleep with her. He treated her well. But she still felt horrible for thinking about Peter.

"I was lost in his eyes and speechless. Our lips were only about an inch and a half away from each other. We both stared leaning forwarded and finally our lips met each other. I felt as if i was flying when she kissed him. But then we were interrupted by his uncle... The last time i ever saw his uncle." Said Gwen as tears started creating a stream on both of her cheeks.

MJ hugged her best friend. But deep down inside she felt destroyed. Shot down, almost as if the devil himself wrapped a rope around her neck chocking her as he dragged her down to Hell. She was keeping a deep secret from Gwen, her best friend but never had the guts to tell her.

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