Chapter 50: Team Down

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Chapter 50:
Team Down

"This is John Jamison, we have landed on the astroid. I'd like to say a special thanks to Oscorp and Stark industry for working together to create this space shuttle. It made the travel into the astroid belt easily and safe."

"That's my son! A real hero! Look at him he's landed on the astroid that is headed towards us. He will save us all, unlike Spider-Man getting everyone killed!" Jamison bragged as everyone watched the TV watching John take his steps out of the shuttle.

All the channels on the television showed John Jamison's mission even websites where live streaming the historic day. Everyone was asking why it wasn't announced that an astroid was going to hit the earth. Everyone had questions but just watched as John took his steps out.

"Now due to the activities of this mission you folks at home can't see what I'm going to do but you will be seeing my facial reaction." Said Jamison as he took out a Stark and Oscorp collaborated device that was as small as your pinky nail.

Jamison placed it twelve feet from where he was. He looked up and noticed his surroundings, the other asteroids where all close to colliding with the astroid he was on but the shuttle repelled them off with a wave gun attached to the top of it. He looked down and back up.

This is strange...this astroid is extremely different from the others. This doesn't even look like any other extraterrestrial stone we have ever found.

He kneeled down and pointed at the ground. From the finger came out a laser that could cut everything. But it wasn't going through at all. He was confused. He took noticed that the ground beneath his feet started moving.

"There's something wrong...I have to get back to the shuttle!" Said Jamison as he tried running and the ground hardened holding his legs down. "I can't move my legs! I'm going to have to start the machine! Mom, dad I love you both..."

He pointed his finger at the pinky sized device. The laser shot out with intense heat and the ground started to swallow it. Jamison closed his eyes and looked in the direction of earth.

"Come on son don't give can do this..." Jamison whispered with a worried look in his face.

At the Daily Bugle everyone looked at Jamison. The usual cheep angry paper owner was now a saddened worried father. His frown changed into a worried look that made it seem as if he really had a soul. It would strike him dead if his son died...his only son.

John struggled to move his legs but not nothing was working. He thought about cutting his legs off. When suddenly the device kicked in from the inside. All the molecules of the astroid started to slowly explode and disintegrate all at once. It let his legs go and he ran to the shuttle.

"Go John go!" Yelled Jamison as he watched his sons face with the fear of death.

The shuttle rocketed back towards earth. "Ladies and Gentlemen the threat is eliminated. I'll be landing on earth within two full moons." John said as he looked at his legs and saw parts of the extraterrestrial stone left on it.

At Kongs Crib...

"Parker man of the night alright!" Flash said into the mic as everyone cheered.

"MJ go check on Gwen. I'll talk to Peter, the popularity is getting to his head." Harry said to MJ as he walked towards Peter letting go of her hand.

"Peter we need to talk." Harry said as Peter took another shot.

"Sure thing bro, let me just get one more." Peter said as he grabbed a tequila bottle.

"Leave the drinks, and what's going on with you and Gwen right now?" Harry asked as Peter and him walked out together.

"Fine, and Gwen...still love her and in all honesty I don't know how I got this." Peter said as he pointed to the faded kiss mark on his lips.

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