Chapter 11: Mary Jane Watson

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Chapter 11:

Mary Jane Watson

Peter helped his aunt May get out of the car and then he put her to rest. He kissed her on her forehead and went to his room. He was proud of himself for how well everything went. He noticed that he was not able to move as swiftly with what he wore with his mask. He sighed and went on his computer.

He went beck on the spandex website. He thought to himself what colors he wanted. He wanted to use blue for Gwens' beautiful eyes. He also wanted red for his love for MJs' flowing hair. He ordered it together.

His spider senses went on. He noticed that they were leading him to MJs' house. As he jumped out of his window. He remembered his promise he made to MJ. He also remembered about her window that he used to use to go in through. Now is spider senses were about to explode in his head.

"Come on bitch. Why not? You just a worthless whore." It was Flash talking like if he was drunk.

Flash clutched his fists in his hand and swung at MJ. Peter saw it in slow motion because of his spider senses. He jumped in through her window and grabbed Flash before he could hit MJ. Peter squeezed it tightly and pushed Flash against MJs' book shelf.

"What are you doing here Parker". Said Flash.

"Im just here to check up on MJ like i promised her.

Flash got up and climbed out the window. He fell of the roof and landed passed out drunk on the concrete. Peter stood up normally and hugged the sobbing MJ. He cleaned the tears off of her cheeks. He closed the window and the curtains. He sat down next to MJ on her bed. She dug her head into his arms and kept crying.

"Peter you do not understand how happy i am that you came" She said.

"I did promise that i would come right" said Peter.

"Yes you did, and you saved me from Flash. He is a very horrible person when he is drunk. He...he was complaining about...why.... Its hard for me to say" she said.

"Its ok MJ you can trust me. You know that i am here for you. Even though high school made us go separate ways. We are still friends since we were kids" said Peter.

"I know i cant trust you Peter. You are the most trust worthy person that i have ever met. You are right about high school separating us in different ways. I promise that i will cause that to change."she said.

"MJ you don't have too. Don't mess up your popular reputation by hanging around with me. All i really care about is you being safe and happy." Peter told her.

"Peter it has been hard for me during high school. Without having you around like when we were still in grammar school. I have changed, i am not the same Mary Jane that you remember when we were kids. I am not as strong as i used to be." She said.

"I have changed too MJ. Iv changed into a whole different person. Sometimes i get this anger and i just don't know what to do with it. It makes me feel like i can literally ripe people apart." Said Peter as he rubbed MJs' red hair.

"I guess that we have some catching up to do? She said.

"Yeah, your right MJ." Peter said.

"Ok...Peter...ummm...ughhh...this is hard for me to say. Ok, Flash...was drunk and angry...because...i...i...i did not want to...because i am a vergin. He wants to sleep with me but i do not want too." She cried.

"Iv had horrible experiences Peter. Last year i was at a party... It got crazy fast. I left walking home late with my friend Lucy. Then we were both punched in the face and knocked down. They dragged up into a van. They tied Lucy and me up... They were sick they cut off her cloths in front of me and raped her. I was scared i could not do anything. The knot on my hands was beginning to losses. One of them came up to me and ripped my top off and took off my pants. At that time i was sobbing... I knew what was going to happen. Then he licked my face and dragged his tong down from my neck to my belly button. Lucy died while being raped. I was able to punch the guy and kick the driver. That caused him to loose control of the van. The van crashed and flipped over. I climbed out the window limping. I took a cab to the hospital."she told Peter as she lied down with him on her bed cuddling.

"I...i do not know say" he said.

"As i was helped in the hospital. My parents would care less what happened to me. When they heard of it my father told me that he wished i died in that van with Lucy. At that moment i realized that i needed to tell someone" She said.

She sat up on her bed while Peter was laying on it. She pulled down her pants. Peters heart started pumping. He was getting turned on. But he loved Gwen and MJ was Gwens' best friend. MJ got closer to Peter. She told him to look at where she was pointing.

Peter started getting angry. He was so angry that he felt that he could take on the Avengers without him getting hurt. He was furious. He hugged MJ and kissed her forehead.

MJ had cuts on her thighs. They were deep and were now scars.

"MJ why would you do this? You should have told me as soon as possible." Said Peter with tears in his eyes.

"Peter i couldn't you were getting beat up every signal day by Flash that year. I could not see you like that. It hurt me to see you like that. I cried for you kitten. Well i guess you are no longer a kitten after beating Flash up. Your more of a tiger now. Well as i was saying. I did not want you to get hurt no more Peter. She said.

Peter hugged her and laid down on her bed with her. She rolled up into a human ball and got closer to him. He hugged her back and told her that she will be ok. That he was going to be their for her for now on. He got up and covered her with her covers. He laid back down and fell asleep with her in his arms.

"Goodnight tiger."

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