Chapter 14: Spider-Man

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Chapter 14:


Peter was on the wall looking down at the people walking by. It was now 2 am. The usual time that people got murdered robbed mugged etc. his ultimate goal was to find his uncles killer. He thought to himself that he would help out other people while he looked for him.

His sense went off. He jumped off and soared down. He shot his web and pulled on it. As he swung he was at street level. His sense lead him to a robbery at a pharmacy. He jumped off the web and landed on the wall.

They had the clerks held at gun point. There were six guys. They covered the door. He climbed down slowly picked up the guy slammed him against the wall and stuck him to wall with his webs. He put gun higher up on the wall. He climbed down and walked inside.

"Hey there guys. I am..."

"Its not halloween kid. Get the fuck out if you do not want a bullet in between your eyes." One of them interrupted Peter.

"Is that how your supposed to talk to strangers pal." He got closer to one of them and put his elbow on him.

"Get the fuck off me. Spider freak." Said the one Peter was leaning on.

"Oh yeah. I forgot to introduce myself. Im not Spider freak like this broke dumb ass says. Im Spider Man." Said Spidey. The guy that Spidey was leaning on tried to punch Spidey.

He ducked grabbed the gun and punched him up to the ceiling. As he hit the ceiling Spidy shot him with his webs.

"Here hold this for me sir." Said Spidey.

"You must be stupid kid just gave me two guns." Said one of them.

"No, not really. Look at your hand." Spidey said.

His hand was stuck to the gun. The mans finger could not reach the trigger.

"Dude you have something on your shirt." Spidey said and uppercut the guy to sleep as he looked down.

"So, do you guys want to give up." Spidey said to the other three.

They pulled out their guns and started shooting at Spidey. Spider Man jumped and dogged all of the bullets. He walked on the walls and ceiling dogging the bullets. Then they were out they had to reload.

He jumped down on one of their shoulders and flipped them to the counter where the clerks watch with their jaws touching the floor. The clerks started kicking the guy. Spidey. Jumped and disappeared. They last two spread out looking for him. What one of them did not realize is that Spidey was right behind him.

Spider Man poked him on his shoulder. He turned around and found a fist hitting him in the face that caused him to loose three teeth. Spidey shot him to the floor and shut him up with his webs.

"So now do you plan on giving up" Spidey said.

The guy tried to punch him.

"How about now... Nope ok" said Spidey.

He ducked and swept the guy off his feet. The guy fell and Spidey took the bag of money and threw it to the clerks. He dragged him outside and stuck him on the wall next to the guy that was keeping guard. He did the same to the rest of them. He waved good bye to the clerks and swung away.

The cops arrived and the clerks explained to the cops what had happened. They sowed them the video of Spider Man when he was kicking their asses. Spidey swung home and took of his suit and went to bed.

The next morning. Peter was getting dressed for school. He put his costume under his cloths except for the gloves and mask. He saw on the news that he was the main story.

"This so called Spider-Man saved these clerks from what they say was six to seven thieves. The clerks are very grateful and hope that he is helping more people. But the police department does not agree. The Captain Stacy has declared an arrest warrant for what they are calling Spider-Man a vigilante. They want him for questioning on other cases that they say he is connected too. The Captain said that he is doing more harm than good." Said the reporter.

Peter ignored what the police were saying about him. He saw in the news paper that there has been a mass murder in the city of New York. He read that the garbage men reported many dead bodies but all of their heads were missing.

Peter went down stairs and hugged his aunt May and kissed her on her forehead as he walked out. When he got to school he saw Harry there with a big smile on his face. Gwen saw Peter and rushed to him and kissed him.

"Pete. Would you like to come over tonight. I want to introduce you to the rest of my family." She said as they walked over to Harry.

"Sure, why not." He said as Harry was mocking Peter with kissie faces.

"Gwen this is my best friend Harry Osborn." He said as Gwen shock his hand.

"Oh... Nice to meet you Harry. I hope you are okey i heard in the news that you got into an accident while street racing." She said.

"Like wise Gwen. Also i am okey i am just glad that i left Peter in the dust this time." Hardy said to here.

"What are you doing here Harry?" Peter asked.

"Well i am now going to be going to your school officially. Im glad i have money because i bribed the people to let me be in all of your classes Peter." Harry said as he showed them his schedule.

The bell rung and Peter Harry and Gwen went to their first class.

After school Harry cracked his final joke about how Peter kisses. Peter laughed as Gwen ran to him. Harry smirked at Peter and secretly handed Peter a role of hundreds and three condomes. Peter shoved it into his pocket fast and when Gwen was not looking he gave Harry an excited grin.

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