Chapter 25: Demonic

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Chapter 25:


"Agent, i have your first mission, sending it to your cloaked wrist communicator." Said Nick Furry through his wrist communicator.

"I got it...Spider-Man? I'v heard of this guy. The Daily Bugle says that he is a menace, and that he is the cause of all the crime and deaths." Said a feminine voice with a silent growl.

"He is just an amateur, he doesn't have the training that we have given you. Your ready for this, just remember to stay in control" Nick Furry said as the feminine voice growled louder that it echoed along the buildings of Time Square.


There were explosions everywhere at the concert, the fans were charging to the nearest exit. The ones that would trip and fall would be the ones that get it bad. They got trampled by the fans that didn't fall. Peter ran out of the place with Gwen in his arms.

There was flames everywhere, the heat that was being given off was unbearable. You could feel your pours opening up, but u could also feel like your being cooked alive. There was debris falling from the stage and stadium. People were getting buried alive from all of it. Gasping for a breath of air.

Harry managed to escape with MJ. Peter noticed that while they were running they were both holding onto each others hands like if their lives depended on it. The grip looked unbreakable that not even Peters spider strength could pry them apart.

Peter placed Gwen gently on the ground next to Harry and MJ. Peter gave Gwen a mysterious look and she nodded yes. While Gwen distracted Harry and MJ, Peter ran to the nearest ally and changed into his suit.

Spidey swung quickly to the stage where EMIN3M and his crew were shooting at a flying object that was shooting back at them. Spidey looked carefully at the flying object. He couldn't quite see because he the figure was covered by flashing lights of the bullets that were being fired.

Spidey landed right next to EMIN3M, who quickly pointed his golden AK-57 at Spidey.

"Wwwoohhooo, im not the enemy here Mr. Trigger happy!"Spidey said as he pointed up at the figure.

"What are u doing here Spider-Man? Iv got this, this isn't bad compared to when i got banned from London last year." EMIN3M said in a sharp ton as Spidey web pulled him away from a bullet.

Suddenly the figure flew closer and came in fast. Spidey started getting an idea of who was in control of the flying object.

"By the wayyyyyy EM, aren't your right to bear arms suspended for another 2 years?" Spidey said as he web pulled everyone that was in the way of the speeding object.

"Yes i am..." EMIN3M said as Spidey caught a glimpse of who it was.

"I knew it, its The Green Booger who wont go away." Spidey said as he saw that the Goblin wasn't alone on his glider.

" daughter...? HAILE!!!" EMIN3M yelled as he signaled his crew to stop shooting.

"EMIN3M, i promise that i will get Haile back to you. Just help the people that are buried alive under the debris get out." Spidey said as EMIN3M told his crew.

Spidey shot his his webs at the top of the curtains. He started walking backwards trying not to let go. He got ready and looked up at the Goblin.

"I really hope that i don't miss. That would realllllyyy hurt." Spidey said as he jumped off the ground and the webs flung him up in the sky faster than a bullet.

"So nice to see you again Gobie." Spidey said as he attached himself to the Goblins glider.

"Aaa Spider-Man. Hehheheheh like wise." the Goblin said as he pulled out his new military graded dagger and pressed it against Haile's neck.

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