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"Jungkook! Here's the soda you wanted!"
"Jungkook! I brought the magazine you wanted to look at!"
"Thank you." Jungkook replied.

Jungkook felt elated. Because all the snobby upperclassmen graduated, he was the new 12th grade king of the school.

Everyone either admired him or hated him. But even if he was hated, he was the ace player in every sports team and he had an ARMY of followers. Hatred was quickly replaced with fear.

Jungkook thought, "This is my year to reign."


Taehyung sat in the library. Reading the 6th volume of a 10 book series. He thought about how last year he joined a senior literature club but he was the only 11th grader.

They read all the mainstream dramatic novels that bored him. But now that all the club members graduated, Taehyung was the only remaining club member.

Taehyung thought about all the boys in his grade, that they were idiots that they only went to parties and never bothered to pick up a good book. In a sense, Taehyung was glad that no other boys his age shared his interests. He enjoyed being alone.


Jimin let out a deep sigh and looked out his bedroom window. He gazed at the high school he was going to transfer to tomorrow. He lightly slapped his cheeks and brought a new determined mindset.

"Tomorrow is the day I change!"

VMIN/JIKOOK Caught in your lie {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now