Part 27

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After the two settled down, they played some video games.

Jimin was still sitting in between Jungkook's legs as they battled each other with their characters.

After Jungkook's 6th win he spoke up,

"You suck."
"I don't suck! You're just- too good!" Jimin whined.

Just then, Jimin's phone vibrated.

Jimin checked, "it's my mom." And then answered the call, "hello? Mom?"

"Hey Chimchim, it's already 6, where are you?"
"Oh, I'm at Jungkook's house."
"The one that rescued you?"
"I see... I didn't know he was also your friend. Can I talk to him for a moment?"
"I'll ask him."

Jimin turned to Jungkook, "my mom wants to talk to you, is that okay?"

Jungkook was taken aback, "me? ...okay."

Jungkook took the phone,

Jimin nervously watched Jungkook as he conversed with his mom.

Jungkook repeatedly said "Yeah." The 'yeahs' gradually became more enthusiastic.

Jimin didn't really understand, but somehow Jungkook was hitting it off with Jimin's mom.

"Okay, Thanks, bye!"
Jungkook hit the end call button.

Jungkook faced Jimin with stars in his eyes,
"She said you can sleep over!!"


"Huh? Pretty much stuff like, 'thanks for helping my son' and 'isn't he cute?' And 'since it's Friday, why not have a sleepover? You can do it at my house or your house'"

Jimin was speechless.

They were two peas in a pod.


"I'm going to take a shower."
Jimin announced.

"Leave the door unlocked." Jungkook replied.


Jungkook just gave a pervy smirk and wiggled his eyebrows in response.

Jimin made sure the door was locked. Knowing Jungkook, he would have done anything.


Jimin exited the bathroom, wearing Jungkook's oversized clothing as a pair of pyjamas. He even used the same shampoo that Jungkook used. Needless to say, Jimin smelled a lot like him.

He entered Jungkook's bedroom, Jungkook was laying on his bed and looked up from his phone, his eyes widening a bit.

"Oh Chimmy! You gave me a heart attack! You wearing my clothing that's way too big for you should be illegal!" He dramatically swooned. "So cute! Too cute!!"

"Wha-? Stop teasing me! I-I'm a manly man! These clothes don't change that fact!"
Jimin crossed his arms over his chest and puffed out his cheeks.

"You being taller and buffer than me doesn't matter." Jimin grumbled.

"I'm not joking Chimmy, you look really cute in that, and you still look manly too. I get to see your hot collarbone."
"Stop, just stop."

Jungkook let out a little chuckle.
Jimin's expression softened and he smiled as well.

VMIN/JIKOOK Caught in your lie {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now