Part 19

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"Seojin admired me." Jungkook began, "he just blindly looked up to me, idolized me, he even stalked me a few times."

Jimin nodded his head and listened, it was all he could do.

"Jimin!!" Jimin's eyes followed the source of the sound.

Taehyung was jaggedly running up to him, panting hard.

"I'll call you back Kookie."
Jimin hit the end call button.

Jimin ran up to Taehyung, Taehyung  stumbled forward and Jimin caught him.

"Taehyung?!" Jimin asked surprised.

Taehyung breathed heavily but then, regained his composure and began to explain,

"After I told you Jungkook was suspended you ran out of the classroom. I tried to catch up but I'm not exactly the athlete type so I spent a while looking around for you."

"Aww... Tae, the workaholic, skipped first period just to look for me?" Jimin cooed.

Taehyung blushed.

"W-well, now that I know you're fine, I'm heading to the next class!"

"Tsundere." Jimin thought as he trailed behind Taehyung.


After second period, Jimin and Taehyung ate lunch in the conference room of the library along with the other three 11th graders.

The conference room was where they upheld the senior literature club meetings.

As they read their book,
Jimin kept making Taehyung and the others laugh by telling them jokes and various stories.

Jimin was glad Taehyung was smiling a lot more often than before.

"I knew he just needed a friend!" Jimin thought.

The 11th graders left and Jimin and Taehyung tidied up a bit.

"Hey Jimin, can you tell me what happened to Jungkook? I know you know."

Jimin closed his eyes and exhaled.

"My classmate Seojin admired Jungkook so much that he thought I was the reason that Jungkook no longer cared or payed any attention to him. So he went crazy by pinning all the blame onto me and then brutally attacking me. I pretty much awoke in the hospital and then went home, unaware that Jungkook was suspended."

Taehyung pat Jimin's back in a sympathetical manner while nodding his head.

"You did nothing wrong Jimin, you were just... caught up in a bad situation."
"Yeah, that's true."

Taehyung's hand was still warm on Jimin's back.

"He has a big hand... now that I think about it, my hand looked way smaller in his when our fingers interlocked." Jimin blushed at the thought, cheeks forming a pink hue.

Jimin's eyes traveled to Taehyung's face, their gaze meeting. The two just sat smiled at each other unsure of what else to say, cheeks growing warmer, hearts beating faster.

"I- I got to go, I told Kookie that I would call him."

"Ah Okay."
Taehyung retracted his hand from Jimin's back, he didn't want to, but he let him go.

VMIN/JIKOOK Caught in your lie {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now