Alternate Ending

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It felt like forever ago, like I was a new born child opening their eyes for the first time.

I looked around but my eyesight was blurry.

"He's regaining consciousness!"

"Quick! Call the doctor!!"

A rush of footsteps echoed throughout the room.

My eyes gained focus. I was in the hospital, surrounded by surgeons.

A doctor approached me,
"Congratulations Jimin. Your surgery was a success."

"What?" My voice was dry and raspy.

"Your legs are healed." He gave a gentle smile.


There I sat in a bed. My mother came in the room, her face filled with tears.

"Jimin!" She cried as she pulled me into an embrace.

"Mom." I smiled while wrapping my own arms around her.

We calmed down. She sat by my side.

"I felt like I had a long dream." I reminisced.

She looked at me, urging me to go on.

"In that dream my surgery failed and I died. I left behind letters for Kookie and Taetae. Then I watched as they grew older."

She grinned, "All that sleeping gas probably went to your head."

She stood up, "well, I'll be going home now. Get some rest."

"Okay, bye mom."

"Bye dear."


The next day after I ate breakfast, I started my rehabilitation.

My legs felt heavy, but I kept walking with the assistance from the crutches.

The hospital didn't allow me to have any visitors besides relatives. It was in case I became 'too excited' and 'exerted' myself.

This only made me want to see them more...

Wait for me guys.


The days kept passing by, I started regaining my muscles and I stopped needing the crutches along the way.

I was finally ready to be discharged from the hospital.

That night I texted Taetae and Kookie.

ChimChim 🌼: Guys, I'm out of the hospital and I'll be going to school tomorrow!!


IceTae: congratulations on your surgery succeeding!

ChimChim 🌼: Thanks you two ^^ and I have something important to tell the both of you. Meet me in the park before school.

KookieMonster: are you finally gonna confess your love to me?? 😏😏😏

ChimChim 🌼: we'll see 😘

I fell asleep anticipating the next day.


"Want me to drive you to school?"

"No thank you, I'll walk there!" I said excitedly as I rushed out the door.

I ran to the park. It's been a while since I ran this fast, the wind felt nice against my hair.

My running slowed down into a walk as I approached the park. My heart was beating fast (maybe it's because I ran). I was the one who suggested it but now I'm getting nervous.

There they were, they two people I love most.

"Kookie! Taetae!" I waved

My pace picked up again and I ran into their arms.


I gave each of them a short hug and then composed myself.

I cleared my throat and then spoke,
"You may be wondering why I called you here on this fine morning. And that is because I have an announcement."

I turned to Taetae, "but first, my response. On the night before my surgery, Taetae told me that he liked me! And my response to that is..."

My checks went red and my voice became quieter. "I love you too Taetae. I'd love to go out with you."

Taehyung smiled and was about to say something. But I cut him off,
"But I'm also in love with Kookie."

I clenched the bottom of my sweater and looked to the ground. My words coming out really quickly. "I know this is selfish of me but I love you both and-" I looked up at them, "I want you both to be my boyfriends!"

They looked at each other and then they looked at me. A smile on both of their faces.


And then they did the frick frack.


I'm a sucker for happy endings.

At first I wasn't gonna do this but wHO CaREs? I LikE HaPpY eNDInGs

So once again thank you for reading my story and I hope to see you again in the next one!!

VMIN/JIKOOK Caught in your lie {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now